“Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” Luke 3:8
It was far too ridiculous to be of any coincidence. As I turned the corner and approached the fountain, there was a man kneeling on the edge with his hands plunged into the water. It took a moment to process, then as I looked over him, it just came out! “HEY… WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Are you stealing money?” Standing up to about 6’2,” he confirmed that he was! So I just got louder!
Having a look about him that showed he was not only unrepentant, but even deserved to do what he was doing! He defiantly said “I need a cup of coffee! How much money do YOU have?” That didn’t set well so God entered the discussion and I said, “Man, you KNOW how low you have sunk in your life AND you know what to do! What is the matter with you? WAKE UP! LOOK UP! TURN TO JESUS!”
As I said, it wasn’t a coincidence. The timing that this would happen the moment I walked by, plus the Spirit of God which seemed far too personal and prophetic, had caught me off guard as much as it did him. This guy’s story had been in the making for a VERY long time. And He KNEW it! He didn’t need a cup of coffee, he NEEDED a wake up call! God had me give it to him. I pray that he heard it!
America is a mess. People doing evil are on the rampage with deserving intent, trying to force their wants and desires on an embarrassed nation. My experience has been that ‘The Church,’ either unable to keep up or not knowing what to do, chooses to capitulate or slink backward onto hiding. Truth no longer boldly marches on, it folds! And like ‘fountain man,’ the Church KNOWS!
Of course I could have bought him a cup of coffee, or a sandwich! But having met hundreds like him over my life, I knew that would not have helped. He needed to hear from God, one more time, that it was time he repent and turn his life around. That God was continuing to press him to do so showed me just how much God really loved him! The man was being chased. I knew the feeling!
Jesus’ claim that He IS “The Way, The Truth and The Life” is a statement we all need to address. Yesterday, I wrote John 14:6 at the bottom of my lunch bill and, handing it to the cashier said, “this is the best verse you will EVER read!” Her statement back to me was, “knock yourself out!” Clearly indicating she had NO intention of reading it. But The Word had been preached!
Are YOU boldly standing up and proclaiming the Gospel to those in your world who need to hear it? You could very well be the 1 person they need to hear from today!