
In the fourth generation your descendants will return here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its limit.” Genesis 15:16

“Oh my God,” was all I could think or say! Katie is always the one interested in watching the early returns from any election, so the TV was on and the human commentary was trying hard to impress! As I listened I could not put a word to my feelings. Mad? Sad? Confused? Disappointed? They were ALL there pointing to the basic Biblical principle, ‘we reap what we sow!’ And ‘Harvest’ is coming!

Living in America for 67 years, I have seen it at its best and worst. Being a democracy, both of those adjectives bear fruit ONLY after the nation has voted to take it into a certain direction. The PEOPLE have a say, and the Ship of State steers in the direction of the majority. It was not hard, even in the early results, to determine that America is headed in a very precarious and dangerous direction!

The story of Abram in Genesis 15 has always intrigued me. There is far more to it than can be covered here, but the ‘sin of the Amortites’ is notable because THEIR sin, the collective wrongs of that nation, were the same ones that America has been dabbling in for far too long. Sin breeds sin, and as the children of evil increase and grow, evil simply becomes the norm. The Godly diminishes.

The Amorite people worshiped the moon (satan and created things) as their God. Sacrificing infants to that god became standard practice. Sexual deviancy increased because, lust fulfilled only leads to the need for something bigger and more deviant to satisfy. With the environment being held like a god, demands for abortion ‘rights,’ along with the LGBTQ+ agenda, America is looking FAR too Amorite like!

“The difficulty in life is the choice,” is one of my favorite sayings. That phrase, coined by Irish novelist George Moore around 1900, has proven itself true over and over again in my life, as well in the collective life of both Church and State. Bad choices reap bad results, which can lead to even worse outcomes so that the fate of the chooser(s) can almost become predictable! That is… almost!

I am a Child of God by Faith in Christ Jesus. He called me… I answered. That makes me special! YOU TOO, if you have chosen to follow His call. What that means is, I am NOT to be shaken by what I SEE. But instead, I am called to represent and speak about the one I KNOW! That makes ME a Light meant to shine out in the darkness. And as darkness grows, God expects my light to only grow brighter!

Are YOU a being light, shining brightly in an ever darkening world? If so, why would or should darkness scare you?   SHINE ON you LIGHT BEING you!

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