“…(do) the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.” Ephesians 6:6-7
As I write this, a chill is running through my spine! THIS time, it is AFTER the incident occurred! I usually get a conscious warning BEFORE I sin, which is God’s way of leading me AWAY from possible failure. But now, I am literally questioning if I am a possible felon running from the law! And all I did was VOTE!
Around election time, I have a group of trusting people I go to. They are fellow Believers in Jesus Christ who are much more connected to the political process. I follow the process where it hits hardest in my world, like for School Board candidates and State legislators. But positions for Hospital or Charter Review board? I have no clue! So I go to trusted people who DO know and ask.
My request to the folks ‘who know,’ was to fill out a sample ballot that could be taken to the polls to check off the correct boxes. With that paper in hand, a voting official was yelling and accusing me of voter fraud! Folks started gathering around and my eyes were bugging out like a deer in headlights! The whole scene was as serious as it was silly. But rules are rules!
My accuser was stating that my sample ballot was ‘official’ and could not be used as a guide. After pleading for clarity, with both of us getting louder, I flipped the paper over and asked if an official ballot came with the sheet music for “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” on the back? Then THEIR eyes bugged out and several women began to laugh!
All this proves is that tensions are high right now. BOTH sides of the political world are crying “FOWL,” even while looking at a squirrel with no wings! To be honest I rather like it, because now that there is so much at stake in the electoral process, people are requiring REAL truth to clarify the issues and candidates. When it comes to REAL TRUTH… there is ONLY ONE TRUE SOURCE! Jesus!
I learned LONG ago that it IS possible to fool ALL of the people, SOME of the time. But I CANNOT FOOL GOD! HE KNOWS! He knows my heart’s intentions, desires and wants. When I am sitting in the hot seat, He really doesn’t even need to speak because His Word is written on my heart. All He has to do is wait for me to shut up, stew, simmer down and then YIELD! It gets uncomfortable!
In the end, a couple poll workers were in hysterics. One said, “we have been doing this for 10 weeks and this is the most fun we’ve had!” No Joke! God tells me to serve Him with ALL my heart. Joy is presumed! As I see it, VOTING in America is not only a right… it is a Godly duty! Tomorrow is Officially Voting Day! How are YOU serving the Master? Are you DOING what you profess?