
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

It’s GONE! After wrestling with what to do with it for months, I finally decided to just set my old Campbell Hausfeld Compressor out by the road and let it go! It didn’t last out there overnight before someone came along and took it away. May God richly bless them. But I feel conflicted!

I bought the thing from a neighbor over 40 years ago for $35. All it needed was a new motor… and I knew where I could get a good one. After hooking it up, and turning it on, it became almost priceless to me in the lessons it provided. How was I to know It would be so hard to get rid of?

To start off with, we didn’t have much money at the time. I was working in a factory that made air conditioners and furnaces. Daddy in law was the assistant plant manager and gave me a job. All units needed a motor to run, and there were pallets full of them. So I did what many employees did and took one home for my compressor!

The compressor sat in a wood-shop where I earned money for my family by building things. When daddy in law gave us a junk car, I used the compressor, along with learned knowledge from a friend, to paint the car to sell to move to Florida. Then it went into my garage for keeping tires filled, nail guns running and blowing gunk off gunk from whatever! It finally died a few months ago!

All the compressor needed was a pressure switch. I bought one and tried to adapt it… but failed. So I bought a new compressor. But the old one had blessed me so much, I hated to get rid of it. Besides.. the motor alone was worth about $50 used! PRICELESS when I remember the lessons of hard work.. and theft (to name just 2)! I never looked at that compressor without feeling guilty for stealing the motor in the first place! But I never stole anything again!

I ended up setting it out by the road for free, and prayed that someone would be blessed by it. The final blessing was to NOT be such a miser! Now that it’s gone, I’m left with memories and lessons… and someone else just got a blessing for free! Now… I guess I’m just feeling kind of foolishly generous! Ain’t life funny like that?

What life lessons are YOU giving away?