“…do you think Scripture says without reason that He jealously longs for the spirit He has caused to dwell in us?” James 4:5
Lemmie tell you about Sloanie! That’s kind of a pet name for one of my grandsons. Sloan has a problem… but you’d not really know exactly what it is unless you asked mom or dad. Because of an ear drum issue, he cannot hear out of one ear. This causes problems with speech and pain. But you wouldn’t notice the later! Sloan… is a TOUGH guy!
He’s only 5. But he’s a MIGHTY 5! His heart is sweet and his outside is concrete! He can roll with the bigger kids, get hurt, and just keep going. He’s been through several surgeries to replace the dead eardrum with a new one, but infection has always halted that final step. A surgery was scheduled to clean it up and reschedule the implant. When done… He was done!
No one saw it coming! The surgery seemed to take longer than expected, as family members texted “WHAT’S GOING ON?” When the doctor came out, he said that the infection was isolated and not that bad so… they decided to go ahead and implant the new ear drum!!! And just like that, YEARS of prayer, concern, wondering if and when, simply came to a halt! For now!
Waiting without results is HARD! Because his parents are Jesus folks, they place trust in God and wait to see what comes by that faith. Knowing God is GOOD and LOVING gives hope. Sometimes… unexpectedly! And we rejoice!
I think about God and today’s verse. God is operating, in much the same way, as we do when facing the results of a decision. He created us and implanted a spirit in us that is HIS. And He wants it back! Only HEALED and right with Him! But He waits and waits, hoping and expecting that everything He has done will lead each of us to His door to call Him Father!
God is both tough and tender. I don’t believe He can influence enough to CAUSE or MAKE us His. That decision is OURS. But He often sends us things that help to clarify His goodness and love toward us. When I get those things ‘I didn’t see coming,’ there are no words. Just a deep sense of awe and wonder.
I’m sure Sloan hasn’t seen the last of difficulties that can come with life. But I know that the faith and trust the family places in our marvelous, surprising God will keep us looking up and moving forward toward the hope that is within us. But until we all get home, it’s kinda cool to have a grandson who is part Cyborg!
Who owns YOUR spirit?