“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8
I saw them yesterday, and the day before etc, etc! My neighbors, that is! And they were BUSY tearing up the backyard to plant some sort of garden. Which is EXACTLY what the PREVIOUS neighbor did… then moved away! I wondered what they would plant!
The last neighbor was only a renter. This new couple are the current owners. I’m not sure what kind of difference that makes when gardening, as only time will tell. But when the renter started working on the garden area, the amount of time and effort that went into it was WAY over what was required. Special landscaping boundaries in unique shapes seemed to be the focus.
I can look back and tell you the renter’s story better than I can the new owners. When the garden was done and became plants, what he grew… were flowers! While I am not qualified to judge posies, I didn’t think they were even that pretty, since I’ve seen better. I DO know that when the next season for planting came up, renter didn’t even bother to show!
John 15:1 says that God is a Gardener! Being made in His image, AND given the charge to ‘go and grow,’ it isn’t surprising that ‘I’ am called to be in the planting and reaping business too. When Jesus came to Earth, He came with a message reiterating His Father’s original ‘Family Plan.’ John 15 tells me what that is.
God is in the Gardening business. He wants and expects FRUIT from His garden. And while I may not be exactly SURE what kind of plant He wants ME to give birth to, I AM sure that whatever fruit it is, I’d better be baring it at the end of me! SO I am motivated!
To be sure, I looked up the definitions. Bearing, in this case, means to GIVE BIRTH TO. Baring means to SHOW! BOTH will be used, either for or against me, on a Day that I should be looking forward to! Since God DOESN’T plant junk, He DOES expect GOOD fruit all the time! My bearing fruit here, and barring it, will either make Him smile… or not! Which is something to think about!
SOW…. According to God… how ‘fruity’ are YOU?