“Then Jesus cried out, ‘Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.'” John 12:44-45
UGHHHH!!!!! What NEVER happened growing up, now happens ALL the time! And it just happened… AGAIN! Going online to a website, It prompted me for my User ID and Password! Which is a safe and effective way to win my business! Except that… I FORGOT MINE!
It might not have worried or bothered me as much as it did. But THIS site was my BANK! I recently acquired a new computer and it hasn’t quite learned that we are pals! When logging into a usual location, this computer looks like an alien. “I” have to be the one to make the introduction so that when THEIR computer meets MY computer, THEY see ME! Capeesh?
Normally when someone sees me, I am recognized by my face. No one on earth looks EXACTLY like me! If there is ever a squabble, a fingerprint or eye scan can confirm… WITH the right equipment. But I have over 50 user ID’s and passwords! And even ‘I’ can’t remember them all! To top it off, some sites REQUIRE special characters for any access!
But there is ONE password that I will NEVER forget. And I’m praying that anyone reading this doesn’t either. Because there is coming a time and a place where FORGETTING won’t even give me a HINT. When I am standing at the gates of Heaven, there will be only 1 question that will allow my entrance… “Why should YOU be allowed in HERE?” In other words… “PASSWORD PLEASE!”
By the time I get there it will NOT be possible to forget. Because it is a password I am required to use here EVERYDAY… ALL DAY! Only ONE word can get me past sin, guilt, resentment, anger, fear, loathing, selfishness and hate. Only ONE word… gets me past ALL of it. He even GIVES ME A HINT!!! Because He ‘IS’ The Word! THE PASS-WORD IS “JESUS!”!
Today’s verse is clear. To know Jesus is to know God. To know God is to know Jesus! EVERYTHING He said and did was to show, or confirm that fact. If you don’t understand, read the whole chapter! And if I DO understand, I NEVER need worry about access… EVER!
Sooooooo…… do YOU know The Password? And….. are you sure?