“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4
BANG!!!! My grandson has a new hobby which happily includes me, since I introduced him to it. Every week we get together at an appointed time and place where he gets lessons on how to safely and properly shoot a .22 pistol. At the age of 10, he loves the fact that he is doing something other boys his age can’t or don’t do. And THAT desire is too big to not take advantage of!
There are skills that EVERYONE should learn and master in order to grow up to be something other than a meathead! In my opinion, skills like manners and how to communicate with others are essential. So Cash’s desire to shoot provides opportunity to teach him other things. So I take advantage of his desire to add other vital life lessons into the mix… since I have his attention!
Cash is coming along just fine. He is learning how to meet, greet, talk and communicate with other people at the range, and they all love him. He also is required to write a paper on any subject he chooses, 5 days a week. He is very good at coming up with ideas and putting them to paper. We’re currently working on his aim AND on writing introductions!
Teaching is something best done when the DESIRE to learn is there. A dictator uses fear and intimidation to create a desire in people to do what he says. Though fear can be a motivator that works temporarily, I have learned that positive reinforcement is the better teaching method of great teachers… like Jesus!
A friend is helping me with Cash, and he came up with an idea he calls ‘Cash for Cash!’ In his plan, Cash gets rewarded for shooting bulls-eyes at the end of his lessons. The only drawback is that “I” have to pay him the money when he does well! This leads me to ask myself just how much am ‘I’ INVESTED in Cash’s success? Today’s Bible verse reinforces Jesus’ investment in ME.
Jesus not only created the word (the Bible) … he IS ‘The Word.’ And He created me with a purpose in mind. If I take His Word to heart and apply it, He tells me that I can POSITIVELY EXPECT to learn endurance, encouragement and have hope. In a world that aims to overrun Godly values with immoral selfishness, Jesus asks me to join Him in Teaching them His better way!
Are YOU invested in His teachings and are YOU aiming to spread his Word of encouragement and hope?