“’The Father is greater than I’ John 14:28 ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.’” John 15:16
My wife loves art! She’s good at drawing and painting it too! Recently she started on one of her outdoor garden projects and, running out of some materials, she asked if I’d pick some up for her at the store. Heading out to do just that, I didn’t realize I was going to get an unwelcome education!
Walmart is right up the road, but approaching the main highway, I saw a traffic accident blocking my return trip. Knowing it would take a LONG time to clear, I went the other direction, since there’s a paint store that way. Walking in, I grabbed a quart of what I needed and approached the checkout. That’ll be $42, he said! When I balked, he said, “But I gave you the Contractor price!”
Now I KNOW inflation has us in a vice, but $42 for a quart of paint is COMPLETELY unacceptable. Apologizing, I left and went the other direction to Walmart, where I purchased the SAME product for $20! The traffic was clear, but I was still baffled, and tried to reason WHY a paint store would charge TWICE what Walmart does. The only thing I came up with was… they MUST think they’re better!??
In the book of John, Jesus lays out His business card. And while it SAYS He is God, Jesus does NOT claim to be THE BOSS! In fact, He clearly stated, “The Father is greater than I.” In other words, God the Son plainly stated that God the Father is ‘Da MAN’! Jesus also CLEARLY stated that He ONLY spoke and did what The Father told Him to. Which provides me with a conundrum!
Jesus is MY Master. HE picked ME to do something for Him, in order to Glorify someone greater than Himself! And while that might sound like middle management, an idea I need to think about, He manages in a way that goes above and beyond ANY example I know of on Earth. He DID EXACTLY what He asked ME to do! TRUST AND OBEY.
The paint store may have an inflated view of themselves, but THINKING one is better and actually BEING better are 2 different things! Having tried the world… THEN Jesus, I have found and PROVEN that Jesus is even GREATER than I had possibly imagined. Now my job is to go into the world and paint it better WITH Him, using the BIG broad strokes of HIS AND His Father’s character. Because HE>I!
How do you see YOURSELF?