“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:13-14
This picture of Mel Gibson and Jesus is a favorite of mine. I’ve seen it many times with words overlaid, the best being, “me trying to tell Jesus about my troubles.” Though the picture itself wasn’t on my mind, it exactly portrays my day yesterday… as one thing after another pushed me to places and attitudes where I didn’t really want to be. Then… the day ended!
As I lay in bed thinking about the events and how it all went, I wasn’t angry. Surprisingly I was exhausted PAST the point of frustration. I was joyful just to have made it through without a major calamity. I picked up a book from my nightstand and read a story of how much Jesus wants to spend time WITH me. Before I knew it, I was listening to HIM.
Me ‘n Jesus are ALWAYS in conversation. The Bible says to “pray without ceasing,” and I have that one down! But now I find myself under conviction, needing to perfect that policy. What I USUALLY do is whine, moan, crank, cuss and complain to Jesus. What HE usually does… is listen. Sadly enough, I don’t usually feel bad about those ‘terms of relationship.’
As I lay there reading, I was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit as He delivered Jesus’ personal message to me. To try to explain in words what was conveyed would take too long. But if you love Jesus, you already understand. His presence, as He overflowed His Spirit into mine, was more than I needed to KNOW that He was telling me how much He loves me… and MISSES me.
Oh how foolish felt! For a while, and almost out of a sense of survival mode, I have been concentrating on ME and NOT on HIM! But Jesus is a gentleman who never forces His way into the conversation. Neither does He walk away. He stays! And when the incessant whining of my grumbling ceased and silence filled the vacancy, His presence just suddenly became known! Everything else… vanished!
Being a Jesus Guy is a humbling kind of thing. When I realize how much HE gives and how much I take… and how He never complains about it, my joy rises. It is then that I can drop all the junk I’ve been holding on to! It is THEN… that I SEE what I REALLY need to do… is to switch roles. Silly man… It ISN’T me ‘n Jesus… it’s Jesus in me!
I think I’ll start off the weekend with that thought. Where is Jesus in YOUR daily life?