“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7
The road was dark and lonely as I sat at that red light. I wasn’t actually ALONE because a friend was in the truck with me. He had just helped me load up a 2nd truckloads of stuff, and on this last run back to drop it off, we were running late. I used the word ‘lonely’ because NO ONE ELSE was on the road. THAT was when the devil knocked!
O.K… so it probably WASN’T the devil himself. More likely, it was my own selfishness. But the outfit of the whisperer made the speaker look the same, no matter WHO was wearing it! I couldn’t immediately tell by the voice because, after all, it WAS just a whisper. It said, “NOBODY’S WATCHING… just GO!!!!” At that moment, nothing made more sense! But knowing that the advice was an act of rebellion, I pondered it a little longer. Good thing!
I had been sitting at a light that hadn’t changed through it’s cycle. It happens. It was SUPPOSED to change, but it didn’t. So we sat. After several suggestions I was about to just DO IT! To GO! To RUN THE LIGHT! But my thinking took a little bit too long. Just long enough for another car’s headlights to light up the intersection from the other direction. “Eh… too late,” I thought.
As it turns out, the car that was coming from the other direction, and the one that HAD the green light AND the right of way, was a Florida Highway Patrol car! I wasn’t scared of the car… but I was terrified of what was driving it! A bona fide Highway Patrolman! Someone who represents and enforces ‘the Law of the Red Lights.’ I quickly thanked God for the delay.
Oh how often I relive that kind of scenario. My want and will gets pushed onto the highway of decision, directly on a collision course with HIS will and way. It happens often. TOO often. But the reason no one has read about it in the daily news is because God usually ends up getting HIS way when ‘I’ make the decision to drop MY will and follow His. When that happens, the whisperer takes a hike.
While it may not initially SOUND like it, this Bible verse is actually a PROMISE from God. Like an ‘IF…THEN’ argument. IF I submit to God… and IF I resist the devil… THEN the devil WILL FLEE from my intersection and interference position in my life. I KNOW it’s a GOD promise because… after all these years, I have never found it to fail!