“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11
The opportunity to head to the mountains for a long weekend led to the opportunity to see things a WHOLE lot of people don’t. Cool weather was delayed this year, which meant that leaves hadn’t dropped off the trees. Looking at the trees on the mountains was a spectacular sight. But not for everyone!
I was on a break and had gone there deliberately for the view. Standing in front of the mountain, gazing at the fiery display of color, was overwhelming. Not really looking for anything, I was enabled to see everything that mattered. Knowing who I am in God’s eyes allowed me to see and experience a quiet explosion of thankfulness too big to put into words.
Flying in and out within 4 days gave me an opportunity that my friend easily missed. Since he lives there, the scene, while beautiful, produced within him a conundrum. Looking at the calendar and the leaves still hanging, he wondered if he should start raking them up… or wait till they all fall! I could tell this was a real issue for him because he brought it up several times. I wasn’t concerned because… I don’t rake leaves anymore!
I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams! I often forget that fact and can grumble with the best of men. Which is silly really. Until I remind myself of Who I belong to, I can easily miss seeing the beauty of what that actually means. God didn’t invent colored falling leaves to make men work… He made them to be SEEN and APPRECIATED! Believing that opens me up to see even MORE beautiful views.
Receiving God’s gifts puts me in the position of royalty. Having that blessing reminds me that I am to SHARE what God has given me. Sharing produces even MORE thankfulness and MORE opportunities for me to see what I believe! That view gives me even MORE MOUNTAINS of opportunity to give and share.
What do YOU believe?