“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29
This last weekend, Katie and I got away to the mountains. It had been a few years since we took the opportunity to ‘see the leaves’ at our mountain retreat. Having closed everything up, we were driving back to the airport. We’d only been on the road for 2 hours when I heard a ‘DING’ from the rental car. Searching around, I finally found the notice! And laughed!
The dashboard notice wasn’t in red, Nor was it flashing! But it was there. And it said, “You may want to consider stopping for a rest.” Laughing was the only thing my body knew to do! Unfamiliar with this new notice, I wondered if it was a reflection upon an overly-entitled society, or based upon any real scientific research! Because I was just coming OFF of a rest!
Since I had no intention of stopping, AND had a plane to catch, I kept driving. But as beautifully colored fall leaves passed by my view, the notice got me thinking. ‘Was there a meeting?’ ‘Did someone interrupt the dashboard message committee to suggest this?’ ‘Did anyone object or question the suggested 2 hour time delay?’ ‘And if so, on whose authority?’ Then I thought about these words from Jesus!
Just how far does Jesus expect me to go, and for how long, before I am gently urged to ‘consider stopping for a rest?’ Having never considered it before, I was forced to consider that there HAD to be SOME kind of ‘rest-gauge’ or He’d have never said what He said in the first place. People are NOT machines and REQUIRE rest in order to perform at 100% efficiency.
In the Old Testament, God created 1 day out of 7 for forced rest. Now that we are under Grace, we are not FORCED to stop working. But that doesn’t remove the NEED to do so. It only reinforces the need that JESUS Himself needs to be part of the planned rest in the first place! Being gentle and humble Himself, He models those 2 characteristics and wants ME to follow suit!
Our fall get-a-way was a good time! We did get some much needed rest, and only wished for more. I could tell that the time away was successful because I didn’t get angry at seeing the message… or with other drivers hogging the road. And then I thanked my Savior for His loving consideration of my time. How can I NOT love a God like Him???
Are YOU considering some rest with your ‘Manufacturer?’