
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38

Today is ‘Giving Tuesday’! If you do not know that you probably don’t subscribe to any online Christian Devotionals. Because I subscribe to as many as 6, I am WELL aware of this day and its purpose. And I’m sick of hearing about it! So I’m privately venting!

Over the years I have taken advantage of the wonderful Bible teachings of some nationwide ministries. When done right, and someone undertakes to write a devotional to reach people for Christ, it should ALWAYS be at the request and nudge of the Holy Spirit. That ministry becomes a call and gifting of God to do HIS work. When it goes beyond that… I have a problem.

For the last 2 weeks I have been devotionally reminded that ‘Giving Tuesday’ would be a PERFECT opportunity for ME to give $$$ to THEM, so that THEY could do the work of God, to which they have been called. Two devotionals I signed up for never even sent me the devotions! Only DAILY reminders of how I could give to their ministry. Sadly, unsubscribing from the ministry grants only a temporary reprieve.

On a few occasions, after a Holy Spirit nudge… or some guilt… I sent a check. The result was worse than if I’d ignored them. Once they had my address, pestering reminders of how ‘I’ could HELP overflowed into my mailbox! Trying to get off a MAILING list is almost impossible! It seems that the art of ‘taking,’ even in Christian circles, has become big business.

The Gospel is FREE! Jesus Christ came, died and rose again to give me FREE and ABUNDANT LIFE, both here and on into Heaven. Of all people, I am living proof of His Grace. But as in all things Jesus, the initial Word goes deeper. Being a Christian costs me my entire life! I am called and required to GIVE EVERYTHING to HIM. He, in return, gives me all of Himself. If I’m not giving ME… I’m not getting HIM!

I am a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But so is EVERYBODY who calls Jesus Lord and Savior. It is an honor and privilege to serve and give to Him. HE directs and calls me to pass on His message to those in my world. Asking people for money to do so just seems wrong to me.

If you like this daily devotional, I am honored to serve. But as much as you feel COMPELLED to do it… do NOT send me any money! God already has offering plates in His local Church for that very purpose. He already blesses me beyond words… just like He will you. Please be careful where you Give the King’s blessings. He watches THAT TOO! Merry Christmas.

What, how and where are YOU giving to ‘The King’?


“The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.” Matthew 22:2-3

When I got to the Church yesterday, I realized I’d forgotten both my wallet AND my cell phone. Now THAT sentence alone is enough for SEVERAL devotionals. It’s not that I NEEDED either of those things to worship or preach. We were planning to go out afterward and I needed my wallet. The phone was a habit… ‘just in case.’ I quickly reverted to my reliable back-up plan and called my wife from the Church phone.

Katie’s phone rang, then went to voicemail. I declined to leave a message. It just wasn’t THAT important! Besides, SHE has a credit card too. The church phone rang back within 45 seconds. Knowing it HAD to be her, I answered ‘Hey Baby…,’ which is strange, because I normally call her ‘Peaches!’ Ignoring the suck-up, she got straight to the point. “What’d you forget?”

It wasn’t until we got to the restaurant that I asked, “May I have my wallet and phone please?” Without words, she reached into her purse and handed them to me. Just like I knew she would! Her love for me proved reliable. It generally does!

The story from which I got today’s Bible verse is kind of like that. Except it involves a King and a HUGE Wedding Banquet, thrown for His only Son. Everything had been prepared and invitations had been sent for the lush and expensive ‘Party of the Century!’ Everything was going according to plan until… no one showed up! The King.. was OUTRAGED!

NO ONE would even consider missing such an event! Even receiving an invitation meant YOU were ‘special.’ To NOT show would be the greatest of insults! Yet missing didn’t seem to bother anyone in particular. Except…The King!

There was an unstated contract between the King and his subjects that EVERYONE knows. When the King calls, I’m to answer. What He asks for, I am to deliver. It’s just that simple. Jesus Christ ‘came’ to Earth, from Heaven, to save me and make me His. That is what ‘Advent’ means! At this particular time of year, the Christmas season brings a message from the King, delivered straight to YOU. He wants your time, talents, gifts, service and attention.

Will YOU be a ‘no show?”


This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19

It’s hard to tell WHO brought up the subject, but the turkey hadn’t even been cleaned off my plate before someone caused an offense about decorating the NEXT upcoming Holiday with a fake tree instead of a REAL one! Setting around a rectangular table of 8 people, EVERYONE had an opinion! Which means EVERYONE had ALREADY made an individual choice.

The interesting part about the tree subject is that it brought on such a rigid response. Overlooking the fare at the kitchen table, there was fried or baked turkey. Steamed or roasted vegetables. And the pie department displayed at least THREE kinds to choose from! What was lacking was any controversial discussion over which choice was better. But bring up the Christmas Tree and… the gloves are OFF!

I have to admit I held a STRONG opinion in the LIVE TREE category for DECADES. Mostly because of tradition… and my wife! But a couple years ago, she cracked and we switched… both of us living to tell the tale! Now we find ourselves slightly less opinionated and more educated on the subject!! But come Christmas morning… there WILL be a tree in the house!

It’s only the day after Thanksgiving and Katie has already planned her day. “I’m going to take down Thanksgiving and put up Christmas. What about YOU?” With her words I feel a sense of irresponsibility because… well… am I SUPPOSED to be done with Thanksgiving already?! Is Baby Jesus already starting to fuss for attention? And why so soon?

While we Deck our halls and don our gay apparel… it occurs to me that these Holidays shouldn’t be separated. Christmas and Thanksgiving are VERY much partners because God intended them to be. The choice isn’t about what type of celebration or kind of decorations we want, but literally… about life versus death!

The Bible verse today makes it clear… LONG before I was a gleam in my father’s eye, I was CHOSEN by my Heavenly Father. And His choice to choose me was NOT determined by ANYTHING I had to say about it. Although His preparations left me with a very serious choice… and with very serious consequences.

Choosing death over life would certainly be STUPID. But according to God’s Word… that choice is made by the vast majority of people. God HAS to respect it. But respecting it doesn’t mean He has to LIKE it.. OR take it on the chin. He works OVERTIME to win my heart every day. It’s a battle for life and death for me every day as well. And today… I choose LIFE!

What kind of life have YOU chosen?


Going through Ephesians 1 last night at FLAP we counted almost 50 blessings we have from God in Christ!  What a wonderful life it is, having Believers beside us to help carry us on.  Thank you!

The following is a well written Thanksgiving Devotional I’m sharing because I am to rushed to write one myself.  But you get the point!

I thank God for Thanksgiving. Particularly this year, as a father of four, I feel a fresh sense of awe, and gratitude, that my generally unbelieving nation pauses for a weekday each November formally dedicated to giving thanks.

It may seem like a trifle to most people. But for those with eyes to see, this is a dazzling ray of God’s common kindness in our day, however much we grieve the public commendations of sin and unbelief that surround us in other ways. Our heavenly Father “is kind to the ungrateful and the evil” (Luke 6:35). “He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). To his common kindnesses of beautiful days, human minds and bodies and words, friends and family, food and shelter — the everyday divine kindnesses we take for granted until they’re threatened or gone — add this annual mercy: Thanksgiving Day.

Whatever conversations it might prompt with neighbors and coworkers, the Thanksgiving holiday is also an especially rich opportunity for moms and dads. To be sure, if practicing thanksgiving happens only once a year in our homes, then our children will not be much better for it. But if this one day is a marker, a springboard, an annual emphasis and re-kindler that feeds a regular theme and habit in our families, then we have an occasion, in this one day, to highlight one of the most important realities God calls us to teach our sons and daughters.

Thanksgiving Honors God

When we ourselves give thanks to God, out loud for our children to hear, we model for them something very basic and profound about being human: we are created by God, for God.

God made us in his image (Genesis 1:27), and what do images do? They image. They reflect, display, make visible. They ensure the one being imaged is remembered and honored. God made us to reflect him and display him in the world around us. We image him through our visible actions and our audible (or written) words that give meaning to our actions. This fundamental purpose and calling makes thanksgiving essential to life.

Sin, however, mars our imaging. In Romans 1:21, the apostle Paul gives us a revealing glimpse into what has gone wrong in the human race: “although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him.”

We Did Not Give Thanks

At one level, our plight in this world is remarkably simple: God made us, and surrounded us with a world teeming with good, and we failed to thank him as we ought.

God showered us with warm sunny days, beautiful blue skies and green grass, stunning cloud formations to dazzle the eye and provide shade, trees bearing mouthwatering fruit, and the greatest wonder of all in the created world: each other and the marvels that are human bodies and brains. Our world, even now under the sway of sin, still abounds with God’s goodness and kindness. And we ourselves have been given life and countless blessings, even in our most trying of times and disabilities.

Our first response to God’s lavish provision, very simply, should have been to give him thanks. To do so honors the one who made us and provides for us. But we did not give thanks — whether from indifference or contempt — and so we dishonored him. We rebelled against one of the most basic purposes for our existence. To give God thanks honors him, and to honor him — our very design and calling as humans — includes giving him thanks.

Ingratitude, then, is no minor vice. And thanksgiving is no insignificant act for a creature designed to image God.

Feel God’s Pleasure

We were made to give God thanks. And when we do — and model it for our children, teaching them to do the same — we taste one of the great pleasures God made us to enjoy. As Olympian Eric Liddell (1902–1945) memorably said that God made him to run, and he felt God’s pleasure when he ran, so we all were made to give God thanks, and feel God’s pleasure when we do.

“Will our children grow up in homes that thank God daily, regularly, spontaneously, gladly?”

Yet we find ourselves, as fathers and mothers, with a call to raise the next generation, while living in times that celebrate pride, rather than humility. Our generation’s sense of entitlement is off the charts, and rising. Will Thanksgiving be a trifle for our children? Will they assume grace, assume God’s provision, assume blessing, assume resources, assume ability, assume community? Or will they presume little, and learn to thank much and express it?

Will our children grow up in homes that thank God daily, regularly, spontaneously, gladly — even as Thanksgiving Day adds its annual exclamation point?

Jesus Gave Thanks

In the end, despite our many failures, we want to model for our children what it would be like for God himself to live as human. And when he did come as a man, he gave thanks. Even as God himself, Lord of heaven and earth, Jesus embraced the fullness of the humanity he took at that first Christmas, all the way down to the basics of our flesh and blood — including thanksgiving.

He thanked his Father in prayer (Matthew 11:25–26Luke 10:21), not just privately but out loud for his disciples to hear. When he fed the four thousand, “he took the seven loaves and the fish, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds” (Matthew 15:36Mark 8:6). And when he fed five thousand, he began the same way (John 6:11). So memorable, in fact, was his giving thanks that later John refers to the location where the miracle occurred as “the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks” (John 6:23).

“Jesus was the supreme human, and the supreme giver of thanks.”

Then, on the night before he died, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples (Luke 22:171 Corinthians 11:24). So too, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and they all drank to the spectacularly gracious new covenant in his blood (Matthew 26:27Mark 14:23Luke 22:19). So pronounced was Jesus’s thanksgiving during that Last Supper that some traditions call the rite of remembrance “the Eucharist,” from the Greek for thanksgiving.

For Jesus, the God-man, giving thanks to his Father was no trifle. Jesus was the supreme human, and the supreme giver of thanks. Nor should thanksgiving be small for us, or for our children. What an honor, and pleasure, to not only taste for ourselves the joy of giving God thanks, but also share this joy with our children. Thank you, God, for Thanksgiving.

David Mathis (@davidcmathis) is executive editor for desiringGod.org and pastor at Cities Church. He is a husband, father of four, and author of Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God (2021).


You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.” Psalm 23:2-3 (The Message)

There was no other way to say it. Katie and I NEEDED a break… TOGETHER! A friend had given her some magazines to look through and IMMEDIATELY, when she found the advertisement, she opened to that page and let it rest RIGHT THERE on the counter. It became a daily reminder that… “we HAVE to GO THERE!” Then this week… we did!

Were it not for my bride, I’d be nothing more than a heavenly bound heathen. Katie is the one who brought me… no DRAGGED me… into the world of art and culture. After some VERY soul refreshing experiences, I didn’t need to be dragged any further. When she suggested the Stetson Mansion, I was all in!

Together, we made reservations, then picked an old quaint hotel to match the venue. Excited, we threw everything we thought we’d need, and MORE, into a very large suitcase, then hit the road. The large house in the middle of nowhere was so far out of place, even some folks IN TOWN, hadn’t heard of it! When we walked in the door, we were transported into a world of celebration!

There is too much to say and not enough room to say it. But this is not about the Stetson Mansion. It is about TAKING IN what someone else had gratefully GIVEN. It’s about receiving the gift of Thanksgiving, offered on the altar of time and sacrifice. It’s about learning and expanding my own ability and desire to ‘gift’ something back to The Greatest Giver ever! God Himself!

We spent time listening, with open mouths, about the history, hows and whys of what was done. And to OUR good fortune, from the very man who alone, designed and decorated it ALL! His enthusiasm was contagious and over the top! We left with a sense of joyful gratitude, revived in spirit, along with ideas on how WE might display OUR giving even better. In essence, we took HIS giving for our own benefit. Which he didn’t mind one bit!

Jesus Christ is the ultimate image of God – the Giver. If I want to enjoy and display life in its fullest, all I need to do is imitate ‘The Master’ Himself! Copying His mannerisms, joy, love and sacrifice can almost be compared to stealing! Taking from Him produces an outflow of Thanksgiving that I could NEVER imagine or create myself! And the festive, fun part about it is, He doesn’t mind one bit! In fact, Jesus actually ENCOURAGES me to copy Him.

So how are YOU Celebrating the Savior this Thanksgiving?


Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6

It’s called Information Technology! I.T. for short! At the McCay house, we are WOEFULLY lacking in that department. Katie and I BOTH have computers and BOTH of them are on the fritz. After inputting LOADS of information INTO them, getting it back OUT has become more of an ‘IF’ then a ‘when!’ And it’s starting to get downright annoying!

Last night Katie needed access to her government records for Social Security (ANOTHER couple of words patterned after I.T., where the words seem more oxymoronic (opposite) than compatible). Anyway… the computer didn’t want to cooperate, and it seemed to take forever to do what it was told! Now that it’s Friday and we’re at the dawn of Thanksgiving, I realize that God often has the exact same problem… with ME!

I am a sinner. A sinner is one who sins. BUT… I have been forgiven by Jesus Christ (past, present and future). This causes a conundrum because, the CONTAINER, or flesh, that caused me to be LABELED a sinner, still hangs out in the hard drive of my mind. This makes me susceptible to negative information that can actually cause my life to act like my computer and crash!

This was the subject of FLAP on Wednesday. Jason talked about it and we all seemed to nod our heads in agreement, realizing that ACTING like the Saints we ARE can be difficult. One of the ways that I have found to help me in my sainthood, can ALSO be called I.T.! And it is the theme of this upcoming Holy-Day.

Thanksgiving has to start somewhere. And I find that I don’t have to really look hard for a place to start. Like a satisfying meal starts with hunger… Thanksgiving can easily start with my self-evident status of being ‘dirt-bag!’ Since my flesh is always right there fighting for top spot, it can easily be used as the tool to help me realize what Jesus SAVED me from! Which then leads me to I.T.!

Intentional Thanksgiving (I.T.) is what God wants and loves from me. And why not? He and His Son suffered TREMENDOUSLY because of my sin. Appreciation is to be EXPECTED. When I find the war in my life beginning to stir, I.T. reminds me to look to God, and at the blessings He has provided. Actions then, can much more easily follow.       Intentional Thanksgiving… I.T. sounds like a good idea!

How is YOUR I.T. department?


“…see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7

If Katie and I were presented a $500,000 check with our names on it… how much $ would we have? Without really knowing it, I had actually been contemplating that very question in the back of my mind. Because we were very close to that theoretical question becoming a reality. Thankfully, my answer matched EXACTLY with what we got! Which was ‘Nothin’!

We all seem to think of bad things happening as some kind of test. I have found that difficult tests can just as easily come in the form of extravagant blessing! We have been blessed with the hard work that comes with owning another house. After 13 years, it was paid off. As of yesterday, there was a contract pending for its sale for almost half a million dollars. As of last night… it’s worth nada!!!!

It’s OK to ask the question… “How did we sleep after a disappointment like that?” “Great!” was the answer Katie gave me. And I concurred. We can say that because long ago, from many tests and trials, we learned that we don’t really OWN ANYTHING! Because we GAVE our lives to Jesus, everything in our name belongs to HIM! And He still has the house!

I read something this morning that I shared with several individuals. It was a quote from Saint Irenaeus that stated, “the glory of God is man fully alive.” John 10:10 was quoted, “I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.” An explicit statement of Jesus Christ to His followers. In other words, Jesus came to GIVE what HE owned… to ME… and you!

It was then that questions began to rise in my mind, evidence that the Holy Spirit was right there with me. If Jesus came to GIVE ME abundant life… then just what am ‘I’ supposed to do with it? Not surprisingly, further study landed me on the verse for today… and HIS answer, “give it away, silly!” His answer, naturally, produced even MORE questions… which is what God questions are SUPPOSED to do!

“What’s mine?” is a question that easily separates the sheep from the goats. A sheep is a person who gave their lives to Jesus Christ… in exchange for HIS life in THEM! Which… if you really know Him… has HIM coming out on the losing end of the deal. An interesting thought, unless I further consider the principle that I’M supposed to give it away as well!!

Jesus owns me… which means that Jesus owns my wallet! Which makes the answer to the ‘Capital One question,’ “What’s in your wallet?” not so much a question as a statement. Our answer is….. “JESUS!”

What’s in YOURS?


God’s eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, was that through faith in Him (Jesus) we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” Ephesians 3:10-11

To say it was an extravaganza would be a HUGE understatement. But there I was, standing in the checkpoint line in downtown Tampa to get into an ‘all you can eat’ seafood festival thrown by, and for, big propellers in the maritime industry. At first I was a little nervous because I’m not even IN that industry. Heck… I didn’t even have a TICKET! But then… I saw HIM!

He was working check-in and I hadn’t seen him at first. But my nervousness vanished when I saw him at the checkpoint. Moving in closer, I grabbed ‘the guy’ and gave him a BIG hug. As I did, he smiled and said…”Hi Dad!” Then he handed me “The Ticket.” “What am I supposed to do with this?” I asked. “Give it back to me and go on in!” It was just that simple!

There are no words to explain it. Both of my sons were there, along with well over 1000 other people. It was the relationship with my sons that made me feel welcome and proud. When I met someone and they asked who I was, my answer was “I’m Colt’s, (or Clint’s) dad! They ALWAYS smiled at hearing those words! It was one of the best times I have ever had.

Because life is life, and we’re all busy living it, it takes conscious effort to focus, think on, and enjoy the thoughts of entry. Because we are ALL ‘in line,’ moving toward the check-in point for the greatest event in the history of the universe! A global gathering of people invested in the business and service of the King. But to get in… one HAS to have a ticket!

‘I’ didn’t have to do anything to get my welcome ticket, except show up and trust my son. Heaven will be the exact same scenario. Entry into the party isn’t just encouraged, it is the WHOLE POINT of ALL life. God the Father has a purpose, and His entry requirements are unchangeable. I can’t just KNOW ABOUT Jesus, His Son, I must have a RELATIONSHIP with Him to be welcomed in!

Are YOU going to the party? Do YOU have a relationship with The Son? Will YOU be welcome with honor and joy? All God wants to know is, do YOU have “The Ticket!” 


All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.” Ephesians 2:3

An idea was recently presented to the church to plant a garden on the property. Someone said, “we could use that old shed in the back to store gardening tools.” I snickered at that statement because… I’m the only one who knows what’s really in there! Now that the garden is planted, I felt a serious call to remedy the shed’s condition. Yesterday was cleanup time!

The first thing I needed to do was grab a wheelbarrow full of tools and pull it out. It was strangely uncooperative! When I got it out and tried to push it, it wanted to go anywhere but straight. The tire had deflated, making where I wanted it to go quite a challenge. After forcing the deflated wheelbarrow out of the way, I surveyed the mess!

That shed hasn’t been used for some time. Having placed a bag of charcoal and some attic insulation in there for storage last year, rats had gotten in and combined the 2 to make several nests. For the life of me I cannot figure how those 2 things even go together! But having read that rabbits love licorice, nothing surprises me! I placed the whole mess in the trash and forced the deflated wheelbarrow back inside.

It’s a FACT… tires need air to roll! Rolling is why they were designed. It’s common sense that deflated tires DON’T roll, which makes the saying, ‘where the rubber meets the road,’ the whole point of my thoughts this morning. Because lately, I haven’t been rolling as well as I was originally designed!

Having been Jesus’ guy for a long time, I KNOW what it is like to be led by God’s eye so that when He looks, I notice and go. I ALSO know the sense when I have to be dragged or forced to figure out what the destination is supposed to be! As a child in the faith, I used to freak out and panic during times of testing, trial or confusion. Now, at least, I can see it for what it is.

Fleshly cravings and desires ALWAYS deflate me. And they don’t have to be BIG air leaks to take me off course. Being under a time constraint to get a bunch of things done has impacted me as much as an evil sin might. I’ve been tired and weary lately. Too many tasks, and not enough time to do them, have forced me off the ‘Joyful Jesus Road.’ And it’s my own doing.

I want rest, easy and non-complicated. And while those benefits are promised to us by taking on Christ’s Yoke, they can easily be disguised as sinful cravings when I am not careful. It takes a deliberate decision to STOP trying to make my own life comfortable with ‘rat-like’ ridiculous thinking and be inflated by the Holy Spirit. Only THEN will I get back on track. It’s cleanup time!

How are YOU rollin’?