“Keep yourself from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ by making every effort to add to your faith…” 2 Peter 1:5-8 (Kinda)
It’s been extremely busy at our house lately. Not unusual! But so busy, that normal has been drowned by the sweat of busy business. With several unusual events happening or coming up, we have adjusted and exchanged normalcy for the extreme. One of our ‘normal’ events we shelved last week was going to the Gym. I cringe to even write that!
There are only so many hours in a day. And when a goal to accomplish something bigger ends up driving the ship, even if only temporarily, directions and courses often get changed. Over a year ago Katie, and the results of a blood test, persuaded me to agree to join a gym. This week, we missed ‘Gym’ a couple of times. Though really, I was NOT sorry to see him go!
I have an image problem with Gym. I don’t carry the look of a buff, male specimen. And don’t really care to. When vising Gym, I see lots of specimens expending an extraordinary amount of sweat and energy. Looking in the mirror, as so man of them do, I am forced to ask the poignant question, “what’s the point?”
Looking buff and in shape are externals. Since I don’t regularly walk in front of a mirror, I don’t really focus looks. My goal and purpose in life lies within me. So internally focusing on an external is of no interest and seems a waste of time. At least when I’m cutting grass or trimming bushes, I can SEE progress. The same issue applies to my reading the Bible.
I have issues. We all do. Most of the time I do just fine. But now and again I fail. And while failure isn’t typically visual, it DOES carry a heavy load of guilt and sorrow along with it. And how I FEEL matters more than how look. Kinda! Exercising today’s partial Bible verse helps me to send guilt and sorrow down the road. Which BECOMES the point!
I read that when a cockroach touches a human, it will flee to safety in order to clean itself! I cringe at that thought because, this fact proves the cockroach my superior! When touched by the unclean, the distinct call of God’s intent for my life calls me to His Word to cleanse, perfect, and put me back on God’s track. Which, I have LEARNED… IS THE POINT!
Whose track are YOU running on?