“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15
Getting ready to walk out the door, my wife gave a little shriek! I say ‘little’ because there is ‘little’ she shrieks from. But it was enough to focus my attention… “is that a SNAKE under our furniture?” she asked. Bending down, I barely saw the aforementioned critter lying motionless before me. I reached in, grabbed it, then shook and shouted… “Snake! Snake! Snake!” Katie was not amused. Since all it proved to be was the TV Cable.
Of course I knew it before I grabbed it. I had just done some work there and cut part of that cable out. But I couldn’t resist a tease. Of course, she was never in any REAL danger. But she THOUGHT she was. Fear was the REASON I was able to pull off the prank in the first place. Genuine fear can come from pretend dangers that do not exist. I see it everyday as worry, doubt, concern and the unknown send little pranks my way on a daily basis. Pranks that come from a toothless snake that has absolutely NO power to harm me. Until or unless… I let it.
I LOVE this Bible verse today. It refers to Jesus taking the REAL and ULTIMATE enemies, death and satan, and defanging them. Making them unable to do ANYTHING but curl up, writhe and LOOK dangerous. THEN, the verse says Jesus went even further by making ‘a public spectacle of them.” I needed a little image to help me understand that part.
If you’ve ever seen the old Gene Kelly movie, ‘Singing in the Rain,’ or Michael Jackson’s video ‘Thriller,’ or Bruno Mar’s, ‘Uptown Funk,’ you may get the picture. Here’s Jesus, fresh out of the grave where, by rule, He should STAY… But He’s OPENLY DANCING! And not only in FRONT of satan and his demons, but along WITH every believer… ever to believe. Yup!! ALL of us… doing a line-dance of joy and victory… moving with Jesus! Now how cool is THAT?
So when I get an unexpected bill, a sad phone call or when I hear a bad news story, I literally have the ability… and according to Jesus… the responsibility… to DANCE! It’s isn’t a snake, a real danger or an ultimate game changer. It is just a toothless nothing that has ZERO ability to adjust my standing and future position with God the Father… because of Jesus His Son!
So hey! Yea YOU! Are ya dancin’?