“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
“GO AWAY, I’m BUSY! I’ve got too much to do! I can’t keep up! I’m slammed… in the weeds … overloaded!” Though I don’t know why, I DO know that my life has been hectic lately. So much so, that the thoughts, things and people that are USUALLY on my mind, haven’t been! Not because I no longer care, but because BUSY-ness has taken over! And it’s all MY fault!
Cutting the grass is one of my responsibilities. My house, my yard, my job. But for some reason the duty keeps getting put off in lieu of other duties that are seemingly more important. When busy, priorities can simply shift and, before long, those undone chores can begin to look like failure. And since grass ALWAYS grows, people can easily notice.
Yesterday, I was trying to make time and muster the energy to cut my lawn. Having put it off long enough to worry about getting a bad reputation, I had to mentally determine to MAKE time to get it done. Then… a miracle took place! Since I don’t usually LOOK for them, I almost missed it! This one came in the form of a truck and trailer!
A neighbor down the street has a lawn maintenance service. As I was straining to retrieve my last ounce of energy, a thought broke through from above. I went and introduced myself to the ‘Lawn care business owner’ written on the side of the trailer and made a proposition. “You cut my lawn, I’ll give you cash!” It was a foreign thought at the time. But a GOOD one!
My lawn is my responsibility. But God has created me to do things besides lawn maintenance. Now that I was free from an obligation, I could use that time to do that for which I was called. And it felt GOOD! With responsibility met, I could focus on more important matters. DUH!!!!
I feel rather silly and embarrassed now. In the process of worrying about grass, I had forgotten more important things. Like packing the car for vacation, and forgetting the baby! Which is a sign, and a sin, of overload. And it’s a sin because I’m the packer! I’m SUPPOSED to keep things straight. Thank God HE is in charge… kind… and full of Grace.
Are YOU not doing something because you’re doing something else?