“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
I already knew what the subject of today’s writing would be. At 2am last night I woke up to use the bathroom and, having had a thought to add, put notes into my phone. So this morning was going to be rather easy! Until, 6:49 am, when I received a text from one of the sheep!
We have been praying for Madeline, a sister to one of our sheep. Madeline is a VERY strong believer in Jesus Christ. I met her when she visited us, with sister sheep, at our church. What a firecracker for Him! A couple weeks ago Madeline got Covid. This week she went into the hospital. This morning, the sheep’s text indicated things are really bad.
It happens that fast! Like the POP of a balloon. Life is flying high and the view, like a balloon, is breathtaking! And while, thank God, it doesn’t happen all that often, it can and does happen. When it does, the feeling of uselessness makes matters feel even worse. That feeling gave me a reason to not call, which God used to nudge me to dial the number.
I had to admit that when the news came, my human side looked for an out. A reason, cause or answer that would make the enormity of the situation not so enormous. How old is she, does she have other medical conditions? STUPID questions really! Like it matters! EXTREME pain is visiting one of our flock, and I already KNOW there is NOTHING I can say, even in a prayer, that can make that pain more bearable. But that’s not the point.
We Christians have a power and position that is neither explainable nor measurable. Just looking to Jesus Christ in times of crisis is like attaching a string to a balloon. The 2 become inseparable. Even if the balloon breaks! Life, like breath, may escape it’s container, but it is NEVER lost or gone. THAT is where the part where “MORE than all we ask or imagine” lives.
Jesus NEVER asks me to explain the unexplainable or prove He is there. He asks me to live my life like a big balloon on a string… with and for Him. No matter the conditions! What I prayed didn’t matter. THAT we prayed… did! That prayer put a great big ‘Jesus asterisk’ over the whole situation. We both KNEW it!
Please keep praying for strength and comfort for Madeline and Lydia. Healing is inevitable, whether here or there. But pray that no matter the condition of the balloon, that they, and the people around them, will take BIG notice of ‘The String!’ To Him, NOTHING and NO ONE is useless! Not when there’s Glory to be found!
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