“There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:25
Looking at tires is not a normal thing for me. So I don’t know how I actually noticed that Katie’s tire was so low as to almost be un-drivable. Since we had to go right back out, I fired up my 40 year old used, rebuilt compressor and pumped ‘er up! Occasionally and over 2 days, I’d give it a quick glance. It APPEARED to be ok. Yesterday, after 2 days, it wasn’t looking very pumped.
I KNEW simply pumping it up was probably not going to last. Tires just don’t simply leak air unless something is wrong. So last night, I pulled out my tire patch kit and proceeded. Now I’ve patched many a tire in my day. But it wasn’t going so well. So I called my friend, who also happens to be a top mechanic, and asked, “if I can’t get the reamer to go into the hole, can I use a drill?”
I was laughing when I asked the question, because I already assumed the answer. “WHAAAAAAAA? Ya gotta make it go in the same direction as the nail.” Right then I knew that, even if I didn’t get the tire patched, I had a topic for the ‘Words of the Day.’
This Bible verse today is found in Proverbs… TWICE! So, like Katie’s tire needing air, it MUST be an obvious truth. But for me and my brain, it wasn’t. Lately EVERYTHING has been difficult. What should be easy, seems hard. Simple things go wrong so easily. I changed my broken cell phone case this morning and got jabbed…leaving a bloody thumb as a consolation prize. 3 pens in a row simply quit writing! And I WANT to SCREAM!
Ya’ll, screaming doesn’t help. I SEEMS like it SHOULD. But it only releases built up pressure and then seals off for another build up. As Katie heard me hissing, she paid attention and listened. Then suggested I sing to the Lord and praise Him in SPITE of my leak. Words I have said to SO many people…SO OFTEN! Now ‘I’ need a fill up!
This morning I reluctantly took a look at the tire and it held up. So going in the right direction was good advice. Now, I’m going to apply that same lesson to the leak in my spirit. And thanks for your prayers too!
R U Pumped?