“Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.” Ephesians 5:25-26
It was Sunday and I was wearing Sunday clothes. You know, dress pants, shirt and tie. As I grabbed my jacket to get out of my truck, I knew I was stepping into unfriendly territory. One that showed absolutely NO respect for my fancy dress. But catching a glimpse of my face in the rear-view mirror showed…it was EXACTLY what I needed!
I didn’t have a raincoat or umbrella. And though it wasn’t far to the door, the speed and force of the rain, combined with my massive intellect and experience in this kind of situation, GUARANTEED I was going to get soaked! But at least I was coming HOME! Taking a breath, I opened the door… and proved just how smart I was!
When we go to our cabin, we never fail to get pictures of us all lounging at the old swimming hole. When I am done cutting grass at home, I LOVE to jump in the pool to cool off. When I am dirty, I LOVE the feeling of a shower before crawling into bed. But I wasn’t in the mountains, cutting grass or going to bed. I was coming home from Church and wasn’t dressed or ready for a soaking. Or was I?
We ALL get wet. Often, many times during the day. But when I do, I usually volunteer for the process. But to get wet when I don’t CHOOSE it is uncomfortable. Wearing dress clothes the world finds acceptable, can sometimes give me a worldly kind of outlook. And often, a washing is exactly what I need.
Jesus Christ cleansed his bride, the Church, by His sacrifice and His Word. What water does for my body, His Word does for my soul and spirit. But sometimes I find myself like I did at the age of 3! Really dirty, but hating the idea of taking a bath. Then, Mom would take charge, draw the water and say…”get in!”
I need to be reminded that I am ALWAYS headed home. When the dirt and grime of the world cling to me, when my attitude turns sour and the sweat from the toils of life wears on me, Jesus has the total right to clean me anyway or any time He desires. It’s for my own good.. AND HIS!
Are YOU due for a good soaking???
P.S. The context of this verse is God talking to HUSBANDS. Go ahead and look it up! We men are to treat our wives the SAME WAY JESUS DID with HIS Bride. And if that makes you wives feel, in any way, superior… read what comes BEFORE this verse. We are ALL to love and SERVE one another. AND Him May you go and do likewise.