“whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” Matthew 20:26-28
This is a picture of my dear friend Dickie. As I write this, Dickie is in the hospital with some sort of infection. From what I can tell, no one seems to know what is wrong with him or what type of infection he exactly has! Which, as his friend, is frustrating. I can’t even imagine what it must be like for Dickie! I took this picture yesterday when I went to visit him… for a reason!
When I walked into Dickie’s room he was slumped over. Since he can’t move on his own, he must have slid into that position. Having no idea how long he had been like that, I knew it would take someone who knows HOW to move someone with Cerebral Palsy…to move him. At that moment, it wasn’t me. So I went and got a nurse. After a couple nurses adjusted him and left, I saw a plate of food beside his bed.
Since Dickie can’t move on his own, he can’t feed himself either! Heck. He can’t even TELL anyone he’s hungry…since he can’t really talk either! So there I was with my friend, who loves Jesus more than anything, AND a conundrum. Troubled, I threw a prayer to our mutual Lord saying, “what should I do?” Within a nanosecond I could picture Jesus with His hands up saying…”DUH… FEED HIM!”
Loving Jesus Christ has produced times when I was called to step out of my comfort zone and DO something. Times that require action and not just thought. Knowing Dickie had ended up in the hospital because he was not swallowing his food well, I picked up the spoon and started feeding him little bites…all the while saying to my friend…”now buddy if you don’t swallow, or if you choke and die, I’m gonna be in a WHOLE LOTTA TROUBLE here!” As I fed him, we had church!
Holy moments often come when not expected. Understanding God often comes from simply acting upon what God says. In that moment, I better understood what God meant when Paul wrote, “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” I wasn’t shamed, I was humbled. AND BLESSED by my friend.
I said I posted his picture for a reason. I’d like to ask you to join with me in praying for Dickie and those who surround him. That if they are medical staff, that they will wisely get his condition diagnosed and remedied. And if they are non-believers, that they will see God in Dickie. And that WHEN God finds YOU in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, that you will step up, listen to Him, and then DO what He says!
What is God asking YOU to do?