“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
For the last week I have become the butt of other peoples jokes. After a blood test, my friend and doctor decided that he needed a little more information to determine if I have a condition. So he scheduled me for an MRI. It wasn’t long before I received a call from a representative of the radiology company with a list of requirements BEFORE I showed up for the appointment. And THAT’S when it all started.
Among the do’s and don’ts, I was required to NOT eat certain foods 3 days before. And to NOT eat anything they day before and TO drink plenty of water. The final instruction was to have an enema. At my age I have never had one before! Just the thought of it turned me a little unsure, and turned my FRIENDS into comedians.
I have been through MRI’s before. Having learned from my father a LONG time ago that fear is more of an enemy than the actual event, I just decided that I was not going to let fear drive me. It’s a lesson that he taught me as a little boy, when I had to get those allergy shots with the square needles! It is ALSO one that I learned in Church when it came to Bible prophecy.
Both Christians and Non Christians have a fascination with what is going to happen to the world?” The Bible is FULL of action packed warnings and visions of wars, wrath and judgment to come. Because of world events, it’s natural to read the Bible and speculate if we’re at the end. Analyzing speculators are quick to jump on the bandwagon because… fear sells books and movies. But I don’t buy into it.
Jesus said to put my life into HIS hand and to TRUST HIM. Several hundred times the phrase FEAR NOT is found in the Bible. For those of us who place our lives and hopes in Jesus Christ, NO FEAR should be our mantra and PEACE our standard demeanor. An in depth and educated discussion on Biblical prophecy can be fun, exciting and theologically beneficial. Butt in the end… we really don’t KNOW how everything will turn out EXACTLY.
I know Jesus Christ. I am personally an expert on Him. My relationship with Him is rock solid and continues to grow. So when this whole enema thing came up, I looked at it like I did shots, needles MRI’s and Biblical Prophecy. Because I know Jesus, I don’t have to fear. Turns out in the end…there was nothing to worry about after all!