“All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But (because of His great love for us) God…” Ephesians 2:3
It was a birthday for my 4 year old grandson and my daughter, wise as she is, called to ask, “Hey… how would YOU like to give the birthday boy the thing he wants the most?” Feeling like I was being played, I didn’t care and said…”SURE!” She sent me the picture of a VERY cool looking Remote Control (RC) Car. She even offered to order it for me from Amazon to have it delivered. After looking at it, I called back and said… “Order 2!!”
Boys like RC Cars and ALL of my grandsons have them. I don’t! I figured having an RC Car to add to the Bubble Gum machine and the ‘Skeeter Gun’ just might win me some Grampa points! When they came to the house, I showed them the car, and off we went to the front yard. I didn’t realize ‘I’ was about to be tested!
A car is for driving. And my 2 grandsons took turns driving it into a tree! When 1 drove, the other chased it! Several times, they’d pounce on top of it like a cheetah on prey, then pick it up and haul it back to throw it down to start again!! My daughter saw my eyes and started laughing. She knows me too well, and it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut!
Being honest, I don’t like RC Cars. They take time and practice to master and they don’t interest me enough to invest. But I don’t like them most because of how I felt when the kids were playing with them. I found myself getting upset when my grandkids treated them in a way that could easily have broken them. They were having fun! I was getting reminded of MY tendency to CONTROL! Sometimes…I’m an idiot!
God made me and I am HIS. Like an RC Car, He could EASILY MAKE me do His bidding and force His will on me. Instead, He set me FREE and even allows me to make a wreck my life! And the crazy thing is, no matter how many times I make a mess of His life in me…He NEVER stops loving and giving Himself to me! Cost is no object! He paid with His LIFE!
I’ve concluded that I don’t really care about RC Cars! I care about the sons! It is not my job to control them, but to teach them. And THEY, along the way, are teaching ME a LOT about myself! So next time they ask, “can we play with the RC Car,” I’ll have to remind myself to ‘R’emember ‘C’hrist and let them go play! After all, they always come back to me when it breaks…or the battery dies!