“Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.” Ephesians 5:25-26
It was time to face the inevitable. The Oven at the church had gotten so dirty over the years, it puffed smoke like the magic dragon every time it was turned on! My approach to cleaning an oven is the same as my doing my own dental work…I don’t! But it was time and I was free so…
Before I go too far, I need to explain that the attached picture is NOT of our church oven. Ours was bad…but not THAT bad. Which is funny in itself! Why do I feel like I have to make up a disclaimer about an oven because…like…who cares? I mean, never once has anyone used the condition of my oven as a prerequisite to friendship! But after doing some research, maybe I lack quality friends!
I invite you to Google ‘Oven Cleaning’ and see for yourself just how many products, methods and experts there are on the subject. There are soooo many, it’s humorous! Who thought it was so important! I didn’t care to go NATURAL…using baking soda and vinegar as encouraged by apparent conservationists. I went the cheap and powerful chemical method! Now that I am an expert, I can’t imagine taking the time and energy to do it any other way! My method?
After turning on the oven to 200, I sprayed the heck out of the inside until it was all white and foamy. After 20 minutes, I took a huge bucket of water and towel and wiped out the goo! It was both easy AND disgusting! The chemical did what it was supposed to do, and when I was done, I felt like a doggone hero! I even showed it off to a couple ladies at church last night. All I got was…”That’s nice! Do mine next?” Typical!
Now that I am an expert oven cleaner, having taken the time to become one, I felt compelled to write about it. MOSTLY because I was out of ideas! But I couldn’t help but remember this Bible verse and throw it out there too! Because, after all, I’m stretching! ‘The Bible is like Oven Cleaner…use liberally and let it do it’s job!’ Haaaa yup! I just said that!
It may surprise you to learn that the above verse is actually part of a bigger one. The ACTUAL verse starts off with, “HUSBANDS LOVE YOUR WIVES LIKE…!” And UH-OH!!! Just like that! It’s turned to meddlin’! With that, I think I’ll sashay to a conclusion! How does this sound for a symbolic metaphor? Husbanding is like oven cleaning! Liberally use the Bible like a can of oven cleaner…and let it do its job! After all…you’ve got time…and you’re free!
You’re welcome!