“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst (within you). “
Driving my 265 horsepower truck yesterday, I had things to do and places to be! I came up on a vehicle doing 10 mph slower than the speed limit. Moving over into the passing lane, I came up on a Ford Mustang doing exactly the same thing! Once I passed the first car, I moved over into the middle lane to pass the second. But the angry Mustang would have none of it! It sped up, using it’s 310 horsepower, then slowed down to 15 MPH below when I got behind it! It kicked ME…so I murdered it by getting angry (Mt. 5:22)! Then I felt bad!
It ain’t easy being me! I don’t run around looking for trouble, but it seems to find me when there is no reason for it! Apparently…Mustang’s goal was to be FIRST no matter what! Possibly because it COULD! Me? I just wanted to get where I was going to do the job I needed to do. My anger subsided and was replaced with a smile when God reminded me that I was wearing a hat with a big Cross on it!!! I don’t know the HorsePower of ‘conviction,’ but I DO know…it FLIES!!!
When Jesus said today’s words, “The Kingdom of God is within you,” He was speaking to everyone. Pharisees and unbelievers included! The power of His Kingdom of Truth lies within ME. But it also lay within ‘Mustang’ as well. We BOTH had a choice to allow THAT Kingdom to rise, or to rebel against it. Having often rebelled against God’s kingdom in times past, I have learned that fighting Him is of no use! Because He ALWAYS wins in the end! Which leads to a question!!
Does God want, demand, desire and command that we put Him first because He CAN? Is God foolishly arrogant and just WANT to be ‘top horse?’ If so, then God is no better than Mustang in His demanding and requiring ANYTHING that puts Him first! Even if it is unreasonable and selfish! Or is God First because He is PERFECT…therefore unable to be surpassed? My smile and conviction was proof enough that the latter is true. Evil, unjust selfishness may be in front of me for now, but God’s Kingdom is a marathon…not a sprint!
Soon we will celebrate the ultimate challenge between an angry mustang and the Godly Human…Jesus Christ. Easter is when He voluntarily laid aside His rights and allowed Himself to suffer and die in the place of under-horses…like me! His Kingdom comes with an invitation, at His own request, to join Him on the journey to His perfection! His only requirement is that I give up my own kicking rights!
What’s inside of YOU making YOU run?