“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3
I saw Ethan and his friends at the gym yesterday. He was pressing weights I had NO capability of even lifting. When he was done lifting the weights he lifted his eyes and saw mine…and smiled. I called him over to a cabinet against the wall. ”Hey tough guy…come here and show me what you’ve got!” Extending my arm, we locked hands for some arm wrestling. But I already KNEW what was going to happen!
I am honored to call Ethan my friend. He is a senior in High School and reminds me of my own sons when THEY were that age. Sharp, smart, strong and motivated, I KNOW he is going to be a blessing to the world. So I felt bad when I beat him…kind of! He was very polite and kind when we finished. But I couldn’t let my friend ‘feel bad’ for long. Even if he said he didn’t! I called him over again and told him the truth. ”I cheated!”
Ethan has a fractured foot from a biking accident. I used that to my advantage and took the side of the surface that gave him ZERO leverage! Physics was on MY side…not his! I told him that wisdom had won. Not physical strength. Then I asked for his email address and told him I was going to write about ‘him’ today!
There are things I think…and things I KNOW. The most important one is…I PERSONALLY KNOW ‘The God of the Universe!’ His name is Jesus! He IS strength, power, love and wisdom! I know that my life would be a waste, and useless, if it weren’t for HIS living HIS life through me. THAT is what I want my new friend Ethan to know more than ANYTHING in this world! It is the ONE thing that will guarantee his success!
The Book of Colossians may only be 4 chapters long, but it is 4 chapters of nuclear God power! Christ holds, in HIS hands, all the treasures of wisdom and the knowledge God. The mysterious became clear to ME, as a young lad, when I wrestled with Him over my sin and inadequacy. And WON! I learned FIRST HAND that with God, losing is winning! That dying to self is finding ‘His Life’ at its REAL meaning! I just wanted to tell my friend that!
So….how smart, rich, strong and wise are YOU???