“And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 10:10
I’ve had a desire, for some time, to trim some of my tall palm trees. My son had a desire to connect up a new dishwasher that had been sitting there…for some time. His desire and my desire collided yesterday…and rather spontaneously, I might add. You see HE had my ladder. As our desires and wills collided, it was discovered that I had his dishwasher connection!
Colt lives an hour away from me. Having put off the tree trimming for too long, desire became need. I happened to be free and contacted him to see if I could come get the ladder. He mentioned the dishwasher and asked, since I was free and he was working, if I could pick up the special part he needed to hook up the water supply to the dishwasher. Through the power of texting I KNEW what part he needed. Seeing the diagram jarred my brain!
Colt had texted me an explanation of what he needed, but it wasn’t registering. When he sent me a snapshot of the part, I recognized it immediately. Going to the garage I opened a drawer of plumbing parts and ‘voila’…there was the very part he needed! Brand new and never used! Two hours later his dishwasher was doing it’s job!
Now just to be clear, Colt didn’t NEED to hook up a dishwasher. He already HAD SEVERAL! His wife, kids and even HE have been doing dirty dishes for several months now, the old fashioned way! But they are in an EXTREMELY BUSY stage of life right now…where time is a precious commodity. A dishwasher gives them more time to do the MOST important things in life. The hold up to the hook up was a connection I had in my garage all along.
Life happens to us ALL. And there are as many ways of doing life as there are people on the planet. Ways to do it, quicker, better, more enjoyable, peaceful and even more efficiently. BUT…when it comes to making life complete and eternal…there is really only ONE WAY! And there is really only ONE PLACE to find it…in the workshop of ‘The Father!’
There are LOTS of RELIGIONS out there that try to tell you how to find some peace and joy. But there is really only ONE WAY to get it…’ONCE AND FOR ALL!’ His name is Jesus Christ and He is the ONLY TRUE adapter for your hectic, weary and sinful dirty life! It is MY experience that LIFE, and what it is MEANT to be, can ONLY be found when you call up the Father and ask for the Son!
So what’s holding YOU back? Since Jesus is free and The Father is calling!