“I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13
Driving down the road I came to a stop light! No surprise there! But when I got the green light to ‘GO,’ the going was rather slow. The natural instinct to help it along came with pushing harder on the gas pedal! This action led to some unfamiliar whining and reluctance upon its movement. After I got it up to speed, the ‘check engine soon’ light came on! DUH!
The first thing I did when I got home was to grab something to eat! Then I got the mail, did some work and then thought I’d better get out there to check the transmission fluid before the truck cooled all the way down. Starting the engine produced the same ‘warning light’ reminder. After making sure the oil level was ‘normal,’ I took it for a spin just to verify! Yup! Something’s wrong!
I KNEW something wasn’t right before the light came on. Owning this truck for 16 years, I know how it sounds and feels when it’s in good shape. After it started behaving badly, the light came on…almost like a ‘HEY DUMMY’ memo! It was simply a confirmation of what I already knew…and SHOULD have known. Kinda like this Bible verse!
Being born into this world comes with LOTS of inbred knowledge and instincts. The evidence around us SCREAMS a warning that ‘something’s wrong!’ But that evidence SHOULD only be like that ‘check engine soon’ light of verification! If we all were honest with ourselves, we already KNOW life wasn’t meant to be like this!
The Bible is God’s written Word to us affirming what is already written on our hearts. This particular verse is the light that screams how to KNOW for SURE! Sinful man is INCAPABLE and UNDESERVING to stand before the Perfect God. Common sense tells us that there is NO REASON God should, or could, give us a pass and ignore the breakdown. The ‘Master Mechanic’ has NO choice but to pass an ominous judgment. ”BROKEN!” “Unacceptable” “Ir-repairable!”
When I discovered that I was broken, I was offered the only solution possible. A NEW LIFE in Christ Jesus. HE paid the penalty for my breakdown and made me an offer I could not refuse! Asking and receiving His New Life in me, He came and took up residence in the engine of my heart. This Bible Verse CONFIRMS the LIFE’ I already KNOW I have! I have no worries! Except for…now I gotta call my truck mechanic!
What do YOU know for SURE!???