“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me!” Jesus – John 14:6
My phone rang and it was an unknown caller from California. I don’t answer those calls because they’re usually telemarketers. A minute went by when I heard the ‘DING’ of my answering message notification. As I listened to the lady on the other end, I could tell she was upset. I cut off the message and dialed her back. Maybe I shouldn’t have!
YEARS ago, while visiting the LA area, I remembered seeing this strange road sign warning drivers to watch out for supposed ‘illegal aliens’ crossing the highways. At the time, this was a hot political topic. Wanting to use it for HEAVENLY purposes, I put the picture on our church LED sign with the message, “THERE WILL BE NO ILLEGALS IN HEAVEN!” Last week I just pulled a bunch of messages from the past and re-posted it again. Thus..’the call!’
The gal wasn’t kind as she berated ME for my unkindness, insensitivity and offensiveness. She had stated in her message that she was a Christian. I laughed uncomfortably and asked her to ‘slow down.’ I tried to explain to her that it was a ‘PLAY ON WORDS!’ That since she was a CHRISTIAN, she would KNOW and understand that there will be NO ONE ‘illegally’ crossing over into heaven. She simply went off on me AGAIN!
I’d like to tell you the conversation ended amicably. It didn’t! In her mind I was a bigot and uncaring. Having NO intention or desire to fight, I simply quoted my favorite Bible verse…John 14:6. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me!” ANYONE who is a believer knows this as a direct quote from Jesus Christ. She was undeterred!
“There will be NO sneaking in or jumping over the walls of Heaven to get there!” When she again accused me of ‘not being kind,’ I finally admitted it. “You’re right! I’m not! I’m just being lovingly truthful because HEAVEN will be CLOSED to all outsiders!” When her voice rose a pitch, I simply left her with the words, “the Gospel is offensive to those who are perishing!” Another ‘play on words’ that combines at LEAST 3 other Bible verses I know!
Somewhere along the way I had to make a decision to either be politically correct (NICE) or lovingly truthful. If people don’t know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and receive His free give of eternal life, they will spend their eternity in the Lake of Fire! THEIR CHOICE! “I” didn’t say that… GOD DID! My job is to share that Good News. Even if it labels Jesus and me…offensive! Got it???
So….who are YOU offending?