“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23
It happened again! But having been made aware of it, I am now of the opinion that it always will and NEVER change! Wearing many hats requires a LOT…lots of pre-planning, skill, education, experience, determination, decisions and FATIGUE! And yes…I realize I am writing this to someone who wears many hats as well. So YOU probably already KNOW this and I’m preaching to the choir!
Yesterday I HAD to be in several places and WANTED to be in several more. Each place required something different in the way of dress, preparation, timing and skill. The weather didn’t help matters either. The cold, rainy and damp weather made it important for me to take along extra clothing. The tasks ahead also meant taking along supplies and tools. Mental planning done, I executed the plan. In the end, the JUDGE in me said I didn’t do so bad, but I COULD have done better!
This is not a new subject! It’s just that it’s been given more consideration these last few days. Which also points out the old saying that, ‘wherever I go, there I am!’ It is in the ‘here I am’ where God meets me and teaches me all the good stuff. He’s trying to tell me something…and I’m LOVING it!
I know today’s Bible verse ‘by heart’ and have quoted it MANY times in my life. I say I KNOW it, but like ALL things of God, I am learning MORE about it than I did before. God uses experiences and seasons of life to intrigue me to GO DEEPER. It is in the DEEP things that I learn to love, trust and appreciate Him even more than before.
I must confess that I generally looked at this verse as a confirmation that whatever I did, I had a buddy along with me for the ride and that no matter WHAT…He’d be there if and when I needed Him. But ‘I” usually determine the what, when, where, and how. I am seeing how He USES ALL things to help form and teach me the what He wants me to learn.
I am NOT a glove on the hand of God. That thought is WAY too much “predestination’ and far too little ‘free will’ for me to accept. But MAYBE when I approach a door and ask God, “are you coming?” I am learning to ask Him, “Will YOU go First?” And really MEAN it! Because these hats are becoming WAY too confusing! God has a way to teach an old dog new tricks after all! What say YOU?