“I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” Numbers 24:17
I guess you COULD possibly call me a prophet! IF, that is, your definition includes one who foretells the future…and it actually HAPPENS! Last week at Church I made the statement, “there will be news and rumors saying that ‘The Star’ which appeared to the Magi will be seen this year!” Before I even got home, someone texted me a news article about the merging of Saturn and Jupiter!!! Apparently my prophetic ability was running a little behind!
Now please don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas and the celebration of the birth of God’s greatest gift to mankind. It is worth celebrating to remember what it actually COST God to come and rescue me! But sometimes, we humans can get so caught up in traditions that we forget the real point of the real thing.
Imagine trying to celebrate Thanksgiving around a bologna sandwich instead of a turkey! It sounds weird, but if it’s all you had, it COULD actually work! That is, IF Thanksgiving is about actually THANKING GOD for His provision, protection and care! But go ahead and try the bologna idea with your extended family and see how well it goes for you! I’m sure you’d experience in reality what I am trying to say here.
There is SO much wrong with our image of Christmas I could not even begin to fit it all here. But THAT does NOT take away from God’s Real Gift! We KNOW BIBLICALLY that there is NO mention of 3 dudes, riding camels, coming to the manger scene in Bethlehem on December 25th! THAT is the bologna sandwich which decorates every nativity scene ever made. BUT strangely… it still WORKS!
Here’s a fun idea. Go out on the next starry night and pick a star. ANY star! Now try to determine WHICH HOUSE, town or state that star is pointing to!! Is it yours? Your neighbors? Or how about Bill’s house in Georgia!!! You MAY get my point if you realize there is MORE to the REAL story than what we actually KNOW. But it doesn’t take away from the REAL actual event that ushered in the one who saved me from the lake of fire!
Every time I read the story of the Birth of The Savior I learn something new. As I focus on the marvelous depth of the Grace of God toward me, I am immediately humbled. I think, “If I only had a gift to give him, I’d bow down on feeble knees, and in tears of gratefulness, and present my paltry gift to My Savior with as much honor as I could muster.” Then, like some shining star, reality hits me and I realize, I really DO HAVE the chance to give Him, for Christmas, EXACTLY what He’s wanted all along…and that is my heart!
Thank you for letting me point that out!