“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8
It was a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday and I couldn’t have had more fun. My Doctor friend set my disabled Ranger friend Galen, up with a hog hunt. As an added bonus, I was invited along. My hog huntin’ education began at Swampbilly Outdoor Adventures in south Florida. Gary and Lane were our guides and they wove together stories and learnin’ like an expert quilt maker. After all…EVERYTHING has it’s rules!
I listened hard as they mesmerized me into a world I had never visited. Ranger Galen couldn’t help but add to the fun with his humor… “How many bullets you NEED?” “You want me to shoot yours for ya?” And “Hog’s ain’t scared a NOTHIN’…so be careful!” It’s hard to tell truth from fiction when entering the world of a Florida ‘Cracker!’
Soon enough I was staring down 2 hogs that were PERFECTLY in sync and side by side with one another. I couldn’t get a clean shot, but stared through my scope for over 30 minutes just waiting for an opportunity! Just as I was about to shoot, a little buck deer came moseying into the area. Those 2 hogs took off so fast, you’d a thought satan himself had just arrived! My guide, feigning a hollow sincerity, simply said, “Well I ain’t never seen THAT before!” We just laughed!
Hunting follows a series of predictable patterns. If you study and learn the habits of a species, anyone can sneak in and ‘take captive most any other critter on earth. Especially MAN! I can attest to it because I have been ‘taken’ MANY times! Even when I have tried to ‘be careful!’ At Bible Study we’re focusing on other religions of the world. When examined side by side, it is easy to see patterns and traditions that cross over and blend each together. Though common in belief, they actually prove successful traps that can EASILY take down ANY so called ‘tough guy!’ Paul summarizes that truth in today’s verse.
“Be good…listen…focus…work hard…be nice…love…give…sacrifice” are all nice sounding words so common to ‘religions’ of the world. But they aren’t primarily useful in saving their believers when satan shows up to claim his territory. For THAT you need the ‘Real Deal…’ The ‘Savior!’ And His name is Jesus Christ! I have banked on that knowledge and trust Him implicitly! So should YOU!
So if you want to hunt critters, look up Swampbilly Outdoor Adventures. But if you are looking to save your own soul… you better put your trust in Jesus Christ!
Man….are you payin’ attention???