“To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:22-23
My son Clint was going to be ‘Batchin’ it with his 2 sons last weekend, as his wife was going out of town. Batchin’ was my father’s term and means wifeless and motherless…like being a bachelor. It USUALLY meant more candy and soda pop! Clint invited us up to spend the night as His brother Colt, and family, were coming over for a Barbecue as well! PARTY!!!!!!!
Clint had told me he’d like to surprise his wife with a shoe shelf, for when she got home, and asked if I could help. I was thrilled at the opportunity. When Saturday afternoon arrived, and with sons eating junk food and watching TV, we got busy. Grandson Duncan came out to see what we were doing, and stuck around for about 10 minutes, even handing us some boards in the assembly stage.
Angela was going to be getting home last night so I asked Clint if he thought she’d be happy with her surprise. “Well,” he said. “It isn’t a surprise now! She talked to Duncan on the phone and he blurted out, ‘hey mommy…we built you a shoe shelf!’” Clint had forgotten to clue his own son in on ‘the surprise’ part!
Looking back, I could see how Duncan came to his conclusion, and his excitement to reveal the secret to his mom. I had marked the lines and held the boards in place while my son screwed and assembled the piece together. Duncan handed us some boards…so…He DID help. SO…He had every right to share in making the gift! AND in sharing some Glory from Mom!
I, like Paul, am a Glory hog. Because I am a son, I get to share in the blessings of my Heavenly Father. God laid out the work of Salvation to be done, His son Jesus did the hard part, and now ‘I’ get to share in His blessings. Simply because of the opportunity to ‘HELP!’ Even if only a little bit! You see, Daddy God is ALL TOO PLEASED to share! And He ENCOURAGES it!
Sharing the Good News of the Free Gift of Salvation by Faith in Christ’s accomplished work is MY ONLY part in the HUGE work of Grace. Sadly, I find God forced to mostly become ‘my cheerleader’ as I often sit on the sidelines not doing my little part. It helps and encourages me to realize that ‘I’ CAN’T get blessed if ‘I’ don’t at least put in ‘MY’ few minutes sharing Christ with the Lost. And neither can ‘THEY!’
Today I am dedicating myself to actively stealing some Glory. After all, and after reading this Bible verse, Jesus’ favorite pets seem to have been ‘Glory Hogs!’ Right Paul?????