“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Katie had asked if I would fix the outlet in her sewing room. So there I was, staring at the breaker box trying to figure out which ‘switch’ cut the power off to that particular ‘plug.’ About 25 years ago I paid a guy to put in a new circuit breaker box and I have never taken the time to individually ‘LABEL’ where each switch goes. So I had 2 choices!
#1 I’ve done it many times before…wire a switch or outlet with the power still on. Yup!!!! Just to see if I could do it. You know…like that old game ‘Operation!’ I’ve also gotten shocked a few times that way! Not feeling very adventurous, I opted for choice #2, which was to GUESS which breaker goes to THAT outlet! So I started flipping switches!
You’d think that after living in the same house for that long I’d have taken the time to label the switches! But seeing as how I don’t often do DO this kind of thing, I just never got around to it. Besides, the worst case scenario was having to reset a clock or 2. Which is no big deal to me. Flick, flick, flick, flick…flick, flick …GOT IT!
I remember, when I was younger, being prodded by Jesus to get to work serving others in His Body – The Church! There was a rather long list of ‘Spiritual Gifts’ outlined throughout the Bible and it was time for me to find mine. I knew enough that just PICKING one could get me burned…if I only GUESSED. So I started doing research and got to ‘flicking’ at a few!
Fortunately I discovered what He wanted me to do! But then came the work of learning and honing the gift to practical use. I’d like to say it was easy, but it wasn’t an ‘instant’ kind of thing. As I tried and applied, I got zapped a few times. But nothing serious. Just enough to know not to do THAT again. I’m STILL learning and honing.
To be a ‘Faithful Steward’ I must first become a ‘willing recipient!’ From there it was a matter of application and growth. But I can’t think of ANYTHING more fun than actually USING the gift that God gave me to bless and grow His House! Even after all the work and few zaps…it is WELL worth the effort to serve Him and His!
So…what is YOUR gift and what charges YOU up?!