“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” Revelation 22:12
It was Wednesday and I had to prepare for “FLAP (Fellowship, Learning, Asking, Praying) the name of our Bible Study held weekly at Church. Searching for my truck keys, I found my backup set. But I can’t use those because there is no ‘House key’ on that ring to get back in my home! Finding my 1st set, I walked outside, inserted the key and off I went. Arriving at the Church, I used a key on the ring and opened the door. ENTERING was PROOF that I had prepared well!
It sounds silly, but the wrong keys, the wrong vehicle and the wrong direction would not have proved a correct outcome. It’s just common sense! And yet, as we studied the Book of Daniel, I noted that Historically, mankind has MOSTLY operated on ‘NONsense! It was time for my daily personal assessment!
Today’s Bible verse should be written in red because JESUS CHRIST is the speaker! His audience is ALL of mankind… you and me! And the ‘reward’ He is going to bring is based upon MY OWN key ring! What I held as most important, what I focused on and where I served.
I remind myself that FAR too many people think that the judgment is going to be based upon whether they are mostly good or mostly bad in the area of personal sin. Which is not true! I am still AMAZED that how many people believe they are going to heaven because they are ‘mostly good’ people! If only it were that easy!
When I asked Jesus to take my life in exchange for His, I became HIS! I am His Heir with a purpose and mission. Each day I have the choice to show up at Dad’s business to do my part, or not. The job I have is not the same as yours. I like words, you like math! Having a say as to what I will do or where I go is a daily blessing…or a curse!
There is a big issue with folks about what the last word ‘done’ means in the verse. I cannot be ‘sinful’ verses ‘virtuous’ things, since Christ already PAID for my sinful. The things I will be judged on will be the preparation, planning and execution of The Master’s overall plan. Did I ‘do my part’ and ‘how well did I do’ will be the issue. Here is where NONsense makes NO sense!
MOST people do not do ANYTHING for God or His Kingdom plan. Life here is a day to day, ‘do what you can to get through,’ kind of existence. When death comes it will be a Lottery…with eternal fate coming like a chance flip of a coin! Jesus’ final words prove it is everything BUT!
What I CHOOSE to DO in HIS Business MATTERS ETERNALLY. God has plans that He wants me ‘in’ on and missions where He expects my participation! Doing my own thing, not following His ‘Plan’ as laid out in the Bible or not regularly talking to Him is like heading out the door with the wrong set of keys! NONsense!