“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16
When I saw cherries on sale at the store, I bought a bag. Yesterday I noticed I was going through the bag with my EYES before my fingers. What I had discovered is, the darker the cherry, the sweeter it is. And the darkness is determined by the kind of cherry it is, AND how long it is on the tree.
Today is Voting Day! The day we get to utilize our collective ‘Right’ to vote to elect our government leaders. I ‘stump’ all over this day because SO many people DON’T! Since we are a republic we actually have the privilege of CHOOSING the kind of government we want. Unfortunately, there is a negative side to the process!
If more selfish or cruel people show up at the polls to choose a candidate than good and honest people, then the process can be flawed. Which is all the more reason GOOD and HONEST people need to make the effort! But the verse today has something BIGGER in it than just selection! And it may surprise you!
I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN BY GOD!. That is a WONDERFUL thing. But if that was the end of it, then “I” become the prize in the process! That is NOT what God intended. The verse goes on to say that I have been chosen…FOR A PURPOSE! To Bear LONG LASTING, SWEET FRUIT that HE wants! And if I get with His program, I can even get a say as to HOW MUCH!
Cherry picking is a term used in basketball as well. It refers to one player (the cherry picker) NOT playing defense with the rest of the team. The picker remains near the opponents’ goal as a quick means to score if the defense steals the ball, and passes it to the cherry picker. But note…the CHERRY PICKER is NOT THE FOCUS. THE FOCUS IS THE SCORE!
I have been picked by God. NOT because I am very special. But because God sees, in me, a willingness to play on His team, to isolate myself from some of the action, and always be prepared to receive from Him to make the GOAL! He even goes on to say that the more time I spend focused on HIS goals, the more “I” may get the opportunity to actually ‘call some plays!’ If I ask well, that is!
I am a chosen cherry picker for God. I have to remind myself of that honor regularly, and prepare my actions and focus on Him more and more. I know my place and what He expects from me. I have a track record of DOING what He tells me, which has ONLY come with time and commitment served.
So… what kind of picked picker are YOU?