“With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11
When it gets hot, I’m not a big eater. It seems that as the heat rises my appetite declines. Such was the case yesterday when I found myself outside working for a long time. When I was done, I was done! I came home, jumped into my hot swimming pool (ICK) and headed for a nap in the A/C! 30 minutes later, I was awake…and HUNGRY!
The day came with 2 very different opportunities. 1. a mailer for the local grocery stores was lying on the table and 2. my granddaughter had come over for a visit. My hunger and my head started to converge, and soon I was planning a grocery store run AND dinner to include my little sweetie!
You know what they say about shopping when you’re hungry. Well, we did. Subsequently we ended up with King Crab added to our menu of shrimp, and several OTHER items not originally planned. The reasoning? Hey… she’s my granddaughter and HEY… let’s make this SPECIAL!
“Would you like fries with that,” was an ingenious slogan by McDonald’s for the purpose of making $$$. It is, as they say in sales, ‘an up-sell!” By suggesting fries when people are already hungry, McD’s can make MORE MONEY! Which is the whole point of a restaurant! As I read this verse today I had to snicker at God’s little jab to accomplish the exact same thing!
God is growing a people. For that He NEEDS people. And not just ANYBODY will do. He wants people who love Him to be on board with His program and, to press and sell the heck out if it to a dying world what desperately NEEDS Him. So He provides ‘incentive’ to His staff to do so. I smiled when I read and meditated on it.
Jesus commanded his followers to ‘LAY UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURE IN HEAVEN’ (Matt. 6:20). In other words, being selfish is A O K with Him, if it advances His work and family. Here, God adds to the pot by suggesting that “I” can even come up with my own ideas, plans and goals to help His cause…and HE will even bless it if it is a good idea! Which got me thinking!
Are you excited about being His and working with Him for His cause? Got any ideas? Would you like to benefit from those? Are you going to Heaven? Will you be rewarded? Would you like fries with that???