“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
At Easter time I wore ‘The Suit.’ I call it that because it was given as a rite of passage. My father used to wear it that 1 time of the year to celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. When He died, I got the job…AND ‘The Suit.’ That was over 20 years ago. Naturally I have replaced it, due mostly to its shrinkage! This year I had to have it cleaned. A painful process at best.
I spilled something on it this year and it had to go to the dry cleaners. Since I have until NEXT Easter, there’s no hurry. It sat around for a couple months, until about 3 weeks ago when I finally remembered to take it to the Dry Cleaners. History tells me that I usually remember dry cleaning AFTER I have driven PAST the place. FINALLY, yesterday, it all came together and I remembered. Pulling up to the drive-thru, I was told I’d have to come back later. “Our computer is down so we can’t do business!.”
Obviously, getting a suit cleaned is NOT a huge priority. And I DO have PLENTY of time before I need it next spring. Besides, it’s not a big deal…I have other priorities AND a backup suit if needed… though it doesn’t fit me very well now. And then this Bible verse fell from above… right into my spirit.
One of the greatest dangers facing Christians is time. Even though we KNOW we are mortal, it is SO easy to forget about important stuff, like our purpose for our Savior. At first we may not notice. But everything goes on as usual…need fall way to time and time to other priorities. Tick Tock…and then life goes down.
Jesus said that we were created for HIM. To truly do what we were created to do, we are required to REMAIN in Him. If not…we can do NOTHING. His business with us is not possible if we do life alone. We are not called just CLING to Him in difficulty. We are called to Bear Fruit! A business that requires a CONSTANT connection. I’m not going to forget that.