
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

It was Father’s day and there were 10 of us hanging around the house. Kids were playing and adults were talking. One of the grandkids had gone to the refrigerator and brought back 2 cans of soda. BOTH of them were my wife’s favorite brand and kind of hard to find in a store. I said him, “Hey, Would you mind going to get another kind? That’s Gigi’s favorite!” And that is when it all started.

We have plenty of ‘pop’ (that’s what I called it as a kid) in the refrigerator. So it wasn’t an unreasonable request. But Katie didn’t want to have hurt feelings and immediately called for a taste test. “Let’s see what everybody thinks!” Soon she had set up a taste test between Diet Coke and Tab (her favorite). It was fun to watch!

Everyone who took the test took it seriously. They even cleansed their palate with water in between sips! I just sat back and smiled at the whole thing. Because I already KNEW what brand would win!

I don’t know all the particulars about church history and the what’s and why’s of every denomination. But I DO know that people who have an affinity for Jesus know the importance of worshiping in a church. One person likes this while another likes that. One goes here because of the music, another there because of the teaching style. Some don’t bother to go anywhere because NOTHING tastes like they want. And I wonder!!!

Jesus was clear in that He expects every one of His followers to be involved in a church (Hebrews 10:25). Church is TEAM work and it takes all of us to pull it off. But it seems that the Sheep have grown to be quite the picky bunch! Like Goldilocks…some like it hot and some like it cold! Some like it hard and some like it soft. The interesting, yet scary part, comes in the opinions.

The test between Diet Coke and Tab went on. And someone even threw out, “But if Coke ZERO were in this test what would be the result?” The winner of the game was Coca-Cola, since they make ALL the flavors in question! MY big question, that I have no good answer for is, “Does Jesus win among all his so called follower’s opinions and tastes?” in the end I think it all depends on how seriously the tasters take the test!  

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