“What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it? When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad?” Isaiah 5:4
Well…the bumper crop has come in and the yield has been MORE than disappointing. About 3 years ago my wife was gifted an avocado tree…professional installation included. I remember when we carefully selected the spot and the tree guy brought it out. We watched him install it and asked a LOT of questions. Even then, we were counting on the day when we would partake of it’s bounty! All we needed was time. Or so we thought.
With the tree, installation, fertilizer and netting to protect it buds from birds, there’s about $250 in cost. The hours spent in babying it are incalculable. When we saw the first fruits (only 5) we covered them for protection and waited. The other day we saw that the fruit was still small… and already ripened. All 5 fit in 1 hand. 3 days later…the tree was dead!
The average cost of a Haas Avocado it around $1.00. I have found them for as low as $.50. Even at the most expensive price, AND with not counting labor, we could have bought over 6 bushels ( I know I looked it up). I believe it a fair assumption that this experience has been a failure.
I am an avocado! Or an apple, pear, tomato or kumquat. I am not my own. The creator customized me with His what, when, where… and He has a why. Likewise, I am offspring! I also have offspring. As a Believer I belong to a church of Spiritual Offspring, united with His hand and purpose. All my sins and failures have been paid for in advance, and God’s purpose is clear. To bear much fruit (John 15:8)!
A Vineyard is used as a HUGE illustration for God. He uses it to describe Israel in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New. In John 15 He even takes MY life and carefully grafts me into His plans. He teaches and guides me with the Word and His Spirit… just like a farmer cares for his crops. He does all the work and expects a return on His investment. My job is to simply to abide in Him.
Like any human I have good days and bad. There are times I forget that He has forgiven me and set me up for success…then do my own thing. But even then, I can feel His hand as He constantly oversees me. I love when He does that. Because then I know He cares. I’ve been hanging around for a long time now…And I am trying harder to focus on HIM. Because He’s coming…and so is His expectation. I must remember that whatever He does with me… is 100% up to ME!