“He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him.” Hebrews 9:26-28
I can count the number of months on 2 hands, though I cannot remember the actual date. It was a typical Sunday Morning at Church, though that day we would be celebrating our Christian Faith by remembering those who brought us, and kept, our United States of America. Freedom, Sacrifice, Duty, Service, God and Country! It started typically, but did not end that way.
‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ was sung in an upbeat, lively manner. That historical old Civil War song actually had it roots in an unexpected book of the Bible…Revelation 14:14-19. No matter who you are, the song still applies, for this prophecy has not actually happened yet! It states that in the end, some will receive God’s Glory. Other’s…God’s wrath. One of our parishioners was caught up in the Glory part!
Diana is a little lady with more fire in her bones than most people a quarter of her age. She had served in the military during WWII! When we sang the part, “Glory Glory Hallelujah,” she became animated and joyful. When everyone else stopped… she kept singing. Her daughter succeeded in gently calming her down, but after a while, Diana would start up again…”Glory Glory Hallelujah.” Even during the sermon. At one point we all joined in with her… again.
It is one of those times that I can’t forget. Nor do I want to. Her love for Jesus Christ AND her Country made her the highlight of the day. She became the perfect symbol of what we were trying to celebrate. She served her God and Country, and without regret. Even now I smile when I see her in my mind’s eye.
Last night, I received an email from her daughter, Amy. It said, “Diana passed away peacefully in her sleep last night. She was 97 (and a half) years old. She was not sick nor was she in pain — only affected by dementia which gradually took away her personality.” And I just could not let this opportunity pass.
Thank you Diana for your spark, flame and persistence in your love for God and Country. At times like we are living right now, we really needed to hear your voice again. “Glory Glory Hallelujah!” Please save me a place in the choir.. right beside YOU!