“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2
I guess that I can say my wife was acting like a child. In a GOOD way that is. The title I gave her long ago, “greatest preschool teacher in the History of the World,” still applies. She has a way of making things come alive to kids and to make learning exciting! School is out now, so for the last 10 days she has been naturally using her skills on ME!
One of the things she likes to do is show her kids live feeds from the International Space Station. She knows ALL the apps for tracking, history and news. For the last 6 days or so, the Space Station was going to be flying overhead. All she had to do was look up and see it with her own eyes! What she DID was try to drag me with her and see clouds! She’s SO cute that way. With all the rain… there was NO way she would see it! Until last night!
I was lying in the couch when the door burst open, “COME.. YOU CAN SEE IT!” I hadn’t even noticed her get up and go out. Now she was taking the time to come and tell me about it and invite me to join her! Rushing out, she was standing there like a little kid with some space app on her phone…pointing to the sky! And then I saw it! And I fell under the spell! MAN that thing can MOVE!!! As it dipped behind the trees, I heard her say, “G’bye guys…see you again soon!” Silly girl!
You don’t have to be a genius to know where this is going. We are here on Earth and God is in Heaven. Yes, we have The Holy Spirit and CAN message back and forth using a sophisticated communication system. But it isn’t the SAME as BEING there WITH HIM! We have all the apps and tools to learn about Him. But SOMEDAY!!!!! We will SEE HIM AS HE IS… and get THIS for a promise…BE LIKE HIM!!!!
Does that excite you? It does me! I get all giddy like a kid at Disney World when I think about it. If you are around me enough, I may even drive you crazy with my zeal… and press YOU to see what I see! Katie didn’t DRAG me…her zeal and invitation LED me. When I saw what SHE saw, her excitement became contagious. How do I know?? Well…last night, I caught myself actually WAVING goodbye to an object on the horizon. What a dork, huh?
Are YOU excited to see God?