“So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.” Romans 7:25
The week of the mower finally came to an end. Deciding between buying a new mower or ordering a new cable to try to fix old one…again, I succumbed to the temptation of ‘cheap’ and ordered the cable. When the wrong one came in, I reordered it. Having just spent 2 hours rebuilding and repiecing what I had rebuilt and repieced FAR too many times, I began cutting the grass. After 1 pass around the yard…the engine blew up!
I confess that when this kind of thing happens, my NORMAL reaction is absolute rage! After all, deep down it SEEMS that that there HAS be SOME kind of overseeing judge, or equalizer, that dishes out ‘fairness’ after so much suffering. Other religions refer to it as ‘Karma.’ But if there is such a thing…I had just been ripped off! With mower still smoking, all I could do was laugh.
The world is going crazy and it has been taking me along for the ride for FAR too long. Grasping for some kind of solid ground between the ‘Covid 19’ and ‘racism’ eruptions, I have been screaming to God for some kind of answer, “How can all this be FIXED, God?” With the old mower still hot and smoking, I finally heard His answer…”It CAN’T be!”
It took me a lot of years reading, meditating, asking and pondering to finally MENTALLY reach the mucky bottom it this Bible verse. Persistence kept me searching because living with nonsense is not acceptable. “My mind is a slave to God’s law!” But God’s LAW is impossible to KEEP! Furthermore, ‘my flesh is slave to sin,’ from which I can NEVER break free! Crying out, “WHAT CAN I DO NOW??” The smell of burnt oil hit home with God’s answer…”not a thing, my child!”
Slaves have no rights. The only hope for a slave is freedom. But freedom HAS to come from the outside, as it is NEVER an inside job. What EVERY sick or protesting person needs is freedom and a new life. Karma or slave justice carries no weight in the eternal realms of God. The GOOD NEWS is, wat “I” cannot do.. Christ did FOR ME! He paid the ultimate price for my slave life, and then offered me His life in exchange! For FREE!
The lesson of the smoking mower??? When ya can’t fix the old one, it’s time to get a new one! Thank you Jesus for the offer of NEW LIFE!