“Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’” Nehemiah 8:10
Since I don’t like to repeat, and because it’s just me and no staff, and because we had an anniversary and got to bed late last night, this devotional is going out later than normal. I feel guilty about it…but know I have no reason to be. I mean it isn’t every day a 4 year anniversary comes around. So why not celebrate…right? Even if the Anniversary it isn’t mine!
Our youngest daughter married my favorite son-in-law 4 years ago. I know…I performed the ceremony. ALL my kids were there, including my other favorite son-in-law. The ONLY way that the happy couple could enjoy the evening was if they made provisions for the care and safety of their 2 children. Being their grandparents, we joyfully accepted their request.
As you can see, it poured down rain last night. Taking them out to the garage to ‘LOOK’ at the rain turned out to be TOO much of a temptation. “Uh uh uh” turned into “no no no” and then into “you’d better go get ‘em” from Gigi. I have a short video. If I could…I WOULDN’T play it for you. It’s embarrassing.
The rain proved a playground for my grandkids. Being responsible for their safety, the video is FILLED with joy sucking phrases (mostly from my wife). When correction and instruction finally became exhausting, this ol goat threw in the towel and took to the rain. And I had a blast! They giggled, I laughed and we all got wet. Except Gigi!
The intro and body of this writing are filled with protective excuses as I attempt to keep favor among people, my grandkids safe, get myself off a hook, or use my age and position to justify my actions. At the writing of that last sentence, I could literally feel God smile! And I just realize why!
When God delivered Jesus home from the graveyard, after an intentional trip of suffering, He was FINALLY able to deliver what He had promised His people…JOY! HE took the responsibility, called for the party… and then WE jump ahead and mess it up with a bunch of rules. Instead of celebrating with our Savior…we became God’s OSHA!???
I forgot how much fun playing in the rain can be. ESPECIALLY in the company of little ones who have no fear of fun. SO THANK YOU Parker family, and God, for the opportunity to experience REAL JOY! And Happy Anniversary!