“From their callous hearts comes iniquity; their evil imaginations have no limits.” Psalm 73:7
Receiving the call that my lawnmower cable was in, I drove to pick it up. The process had been so unbelievably fast and efficient, I couldn’t help but praise the shopkeeper’s efforts. “You are SOOO AWESOME,” I said. “I don’t find this kind of service very often…kudos to you!” He humbly thanked me but said it was simply his job and he was delighted to help. Ringing up the purchase with my credit card, he then lay the cable on the counter. It was the wrong one!
NATURALLY I was disappointed, but not overly so. Stuff happens! But after the praising I had given him, his natural inclination was to find out how the order got messed up. What he was REALLY looking for, was a way to direct responsibility from himself. And even though I told him, “it’s OK, not a problem, I get it…” he kept fishing for an excuse. I smiled.
I have a neighbor I do not know who is renting a house near me. The grass is about 10” tall. For some weird reason I began thinking about the unfairness. Here I am trying to be responsible while someone else…isn’t! For fun I just thought about how “I” might try to get a slice of their pie! Then the thought hit, “the store ordered the wrong part, maybe I should simply use this as an excuse to NOT cut MY grass.” Then I felt heaven scowl!
Psalm 73 may be considered the “Not Fair” Psalm. After seeing the rewards of the carefree, irresponsible life, the writer’s quill begins to whine! Looking up several versions, the picture painted is that ‘hardened hearts produce fatty eyes!’ In other words, irresponsibility produces the desire for more irresponsibility! Sadly, I see it every day!
The clamor for ‘Fairness’ seems to be following the same path, as the masses demand more. Governments are now expected to guarantee personal safety, while at the same time prevent all injustice. It is a dangerous requirement at best. Since fairness is actually a heart quality that is taught and not caught!
#73 is a great humbling Psalm. In reading it, I am reminded that God NEVER added ‘fairness’ to His list of promises. ‘Personal safety’ is not there either. In fact, The Word goes on to say that followers of His standards would actually suffer more injustice than normal! But there is an addendum. Justice for the responsible WILL come…just not here!
I reordered the proper cable for my lawnmower.