“When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.” Mark 5:15
While posting the Words of the Day on Facebook yesterday, I saw that I had 2 warning notifications. Having never seen that before, I investigated and literally could not believe my eyes. Facebook had censored me not once…but twice in the same day! Feeling shamed like a school boy placed in the corner, I simply HAD to find out where I went wrong. What a shock!
The first was my comment on a posted joke about how women work harder than men. A fact in which I totally agree! Having 5 wonderful wives and mothers in my immediate family, there is no question on the matter. So I made the comment, ‘men are pigs.’ Facebook notified me that they took it down because they considered it ‘hate speech!’ I laughed!
The next no-no came when I re-posted something about Hitler and how he had gained power. I see similar tactics being played by left wing politicians. I was notified again by Facebook that I needed to ‘fact-check’ my response concerning Herr Hitler! SERIOUSLY??? I didn’t laugh!
It is only coincidental that yesterday President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting social media companies to “defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history.” That of censorship. I got it…and get it!
Jesus faced similar ridiculousness over the whole demonic pig incident. After setting a man (or was it 2 men) freed from demonic possession at the cost of a herd of swine, the townsfolk ‘were afraid!’ NOT of the demons.. but of Jesus! Preferring demons to Deity, they asked him to leave!
When raising my lovely daughters I made sure to drive the point home that ‘men are pigs!’ I emphasized ALL men…INCLUDING me! They couldn’t believe it! Young ladies in their teens have a tendency to loose perspective when a young lad first pays them attention. I wanted the point driven home…young lad’s have something else in mind! Even if it OCCASIONALLY may not be true!
Tim Allen became famous when he used the line about men and pigs. It was funny because it is true! ALL men, left to themselves in the flesh…ARE swine. Being a man, I battle that truth daily. Any man who tells you otherwise is ALSO a liar! Jesus knows it too. Which is why He and His gang rowed all night to reach to Gennesaret! A man (or 2) needed saving! We still do!
The world hates God’s Truth and the conviction it comes with. Left to ourselves, ALL people have a selfish, ugly, dark spot on our hearts. It is SO dark in fact, that it is irreparable. The ONLY way to irradiate the problem is this…the pig has to die! Which is what being ‘Born Again’ is all about. Anyone who disagrees also adds a censorship problem to their piggishness! Don’t be an oinker!
I wonder if I’ll get censored again today?