“’You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Jesus to His disciples, after a storm nearly sinks their boat…” Matthew 8:26
We just finished laying our yard with a rock border and then filled the whole area with stone. I walked out in the morning to find that rocks had been knocked over…some moved. Initial shock turned into a BIG smile, as my next words were, “why those little….!”
We had our entire family over last week during the tail end of this Covid 19 virus ordeal. Three of my youngest grandsons had been out there playing in the new stone area just having a ball. I had not gone out to check on them since, why mess with perfection right? But the evidence of what they had been doing lay before me.
Here’s the funny part. Having been a kid myself, a LOOONG time ago, I never even THOUGHT about boys being boys. While my wife had designed a beautiful rock garden, our grandsons saw it as a construction site! Moving the rocks back into place, I was sorry I had missed the fun! I won’t the next time!
I personally believe it was satan who kicked up that storm on the Sea of Galilee. I mean you couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to destroy the whole ‘lot’ of his enemies. Including God Himself! This ‘pandemic’ thing has a gone WAYYYY past reasonable and…I believe I can see satan’s hand very clearly, as his plan is always the same. Destruction and fear.
God created the universe and mankind, NOT FOR US. But for HIM! Being creative and imaginative Himself, He planted those qualities in the hearts of men (and kids). But He did NOT leave! He stuck around to be an integral part of His plan to inhabit the hearts of people. He KNEW it was going to get tricky at times. But undeterred…he stayed! And invites!
Rules of safety and self preservation were never a part of God’s plan. God is wild and fierce, and He calls us to the action of joining Him in battle. A vandal has stuck his hands where they do not belong… and God is calling you and me to join Him in an epic story of “not on MY watch!” And THAT is ALL a part of the fun! Now, the only thing Jesus wants to know is…are going to ‘rock’ by Faith… or fear? It’s time to join Him!