“Consider the ravens (cardinals): They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24
A few years ago my wife was gifted an avocado tree. It’s a funny story now, because at the time, when all of her co-workers were gifted Apple Watches, SHE was the ONLY one given the gift of a tree! Did I say several years? Yes I did! And to date we have watched that thing do absolutely NOTHIN’! Nope.. not even 1 avocado!
We bought and planted a lemon tree about 8 years ago. It seemed to take forever to get any lemons. Our first, after 3 years, yielded 9 lemons. Then it got citrus canker! Now we get LOTS of lemons… but they’re ugly and can be pithy at times. But an ugly, pithy lemon is better than NO lemons right? That hopeful rational holds as we watch the avocado tree.
This spring we saw avocado blooms…which is not new. But like before, the blooms turned into little fruit, then just like that…they were gone! Last week as we rested from yard work, my wife noticed our yearly visiting red cardinal as it returned to make its nest in our yard. She was SO happy! There he was… flittering among the green avocado leaves. Then it hit her what he was doing!!! Guess what fell from grace?
Being Bible people, we are well aware of this verse in Luke. It is part of the Beatitude sermon Jesus preached, which is also recorded in Matthew. But in light of our recent discovery, I now have a different take on the verse. I mean.. I didn’t expect GOD to feed HIS BIRDS with OUR AVOCADOS! And just like that red bird flittering our in a green tree… it hit me!
I know his concept well. NOTHING I have belongs to ME. It is ALL God’s! God uses HIS possessions in MY hands to bless HIS creatures. I get that and my wife and I are givers. But I am being convicted that It is MY responsibility to guard my heart against the unlicensed theft of God’s fruit in my heart.
Katie wove a net around the tree to keep the birds away. We didn’t KNOW they were stealing from us until we were sitting still and taking a break. Now we do! Since she put that screen up, you wouldn’t believe what has happened. We have several avocados that are growing rather well… AND NEW buds are coming appearing!
Today, I am late in my posting because I had some concerns that kept me up last night. Remembering this recent event has caused me to put 2+2 together. I wonder what treasure I have allowed flittering thieves to steal from my ‘could be’ fruitful life?