“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25
I awoke to a quiet house…which is normal for me. But not today. At least not after last night! Outside, the fog had rolled in and there was kind of a dullness to the normal Florida morning. Inside, the sunshine was at rest as well, since, all of my granddaughters were still asleep!
I surveyed the house with a smile, What a mess! The evidence of a memorable night was easy to see as EVERYTHING seemed out of place. My wife had invited JUST the ‘granddaughters’ for a sleepover. My own 2 daughters being long grown and gone, I had forgotten what a house with ‘just girls’ can be! Even as they lay sleeping in the quiet…I KNOW it is only a matter of time before squeals and silliness begin again. We are making memories!
We are in isolation because of this virus thing. That means, as family, we are isolated together! And I absolutely love it! Last night, while going through the ‘McDonald’s Drive-Thru’ we saw a lone semi-truck driver, walking around the crowded car lot, not able to order anything, as his truck could not able to fit through the line. When I drove over to him and offered him my sandwich, he cracked his window and turned it down. “Virus,” was all he said.
I tried to share the Gospel with someone yesterday. We had gotten close enough to strike up a conversation, but just close enough for these so called ‘pandemic’ times. As they poured out their life story, I offered them ‘Him’… Jesus! Unfortunately, even HE had gotten as close as He was going to be allowed. ‘Thanks… but no thanks.’ hung in the air as I walked away.
So we are in isolation…together. As Family. And between girly shrieks and squeals that can curl my hair…and even in a messy house, I KNOW that I am one of the most blessed men on the face of the planet! I wouldn’t have it any other way!