“Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” Luke 6:21b
Just wanted to pass on some information I just learned. Did you know that Laughing is a natural act? Yup! It comes on about the 3rd day after birth. Babies laugh instinctively! And you already know that laughter is contagious. Laughter can be caught and it can be passed on. Tickling is a kind of laughter that comes because of surprise! Learning NOT to laugh at being tickled is a disciplined art. You can’t tickle yourself because your body isn’t surprised at what’s coming! No surprise… no laughter!
Lately, with all this virus talk, there isn’t enough laughter. And that makes me sad. When Jesus enters a heart, JOY follows. Joy and laughter are God’s way of reminding us that HE has us no matter WHAT the circumstances. I believe JOY and LAUGHTER should be signs of those who are trying to lead others into God’s JOYFUL Kingdom.
I laughed at this skit today. So I am sharing it with you as a kind of medicine.
I hope that this simple thing bring laughter to your soul. And as an assignment, why not google ‘funny skits’ or ‘Comedy’ (even ‘Christian comedians’) and see if you can find the best one that tickles YOUR funny bone.. and then SHARE IT with me so I can share it with the Brethren & Sisteren!! It might just lighten the load!